Lessener of waves’ flashing flame, 49
Ring-bearer, 68
Ring-strewer, 30
Scatterer of serpent’s bed, 215
Wormland’s haunter, 137
Snatcher of worm’s bed, 41
Mouth: Tofts of tooth-hedge, 124
Sailor: He who decks the reindeer’s side that ’twixt ness and
ness doth glide, 43
Rider of wind-driven steed, 41
Sea-steeds’ rider, 81; Shield: Roof of war, 215
Spear-walk, 12
Ship: Reindeer that ’twixt ness and ness doth glide, 43
Sea-steed, 81
Steed of the rollers, 17
Wind-driven steed, 41
Skald: Giver forth of Odin’s mead (Svein of Bank), 137
Sword: Byrni’s flame, 76
[Footnote 22: Hilda (Hildr) and Mist, goddesses of fight and manslaughter.]
Sword: Helmfire, 50, 136
Man’s-bane, 41
War-flame, 199
Whiting of the shield, 21
Wound-worm, 114
Thor: Sifs lord, 157
Warrior: Arrow-dealer, 114
Axe-breaker, 2
Begetter of fight, 49
Brand-whetter, 17
Breaker of the bow, 50
Foreteller of spear-shower,
Warrior: Grove of Hedin’s maid, 125
Raiser-up of roof of war,
Spear-grove, 59
Stem of shield, 190
Sword-player, 199
War-god, 66
Wound-worm’s tower,
Wool-combe: Hook-clawed bird, 31
Woman: Giver forth of gold, 59
Goddess of red gold, 137
Ground of gold, 30
Son of golden stall, 190
Warder of horns’ wave,
A friend should warn a friend of ill ............................. 30 Ale is another man ............................................... 55 All must fare when they are fetched............................... 188 All things bide their day......................................... 218 All will come to an end .......................................... 233 Bare is the back of the brotherless .............................. 241 Best to bairn is mother still .................................... 41 Bewail he, who brought the woe ................................... 175 Broad spears are about now ....................................... 133 Deeds done will be told of ....................................... 224 Even so shall bale be bettered by biding greater bale ............ 140 For one thing alone will I not be known .......................... 192 From ill cometh ill .............................................. 105 Good luck and goodliness are twain ............................... 105 Hand for wont doth yearn ......................................... 226 Hottest is the fire that lies on oneself ......................... 176 Ill deed gains ill hap .......................................... 188 Ill heed still to ill doth lead ................................. 121 Ill if a thrall is thine only friend ............................. 240