Waterpass (Vatnsskareth), between Hunawaterthing and Skagafirth, 205
Wave-ridge (Oelduhryggr), in Staetharsveit, 173
Weir (Styfla), in the Fleets, 212
Well-ness (Keldunes), 115
Well-wharf (Kelduhverfi), 115
Well-wharfside, id. 187
Westfirths (Vestfirethir), 144, 158, 162
Westhope, (Vestrhop), in Hunawaterthing, 34
Wetherfirth=Ramfirth, 143
Whalesheadholme, (Hvalshausholmr), 146,147
Whiteriver (Hvita), in Burgfirth, 135, 136, 172
Whiteriverside (Hvitarsida), in Burgfirth, 39
Wick (Vikin), in Norway, 26
Willowdale (Viethdalr), west of Waterdale, 20,34,83, 104, 275
Windham (Vindheimr), a farmstead of Haramsey, 46, 47
Wolds (Vellir), a harbour on the Whiteriver, 135,136
Woods-tead (Skogar), a farm in Axefirth, 277
Woodwick (Viethvik), a farmstead in Skagafirth, 208, 231, 236, 237, 245
A nithing’s deed, setting on a dying man with
weapons, 250
Arson, 2, 5, 13
Assassins (hired), 163, 167
Barrow of Karr the Old of Haramsey, 47, 49
of Onund Treefoot, called “Treefoot’s-barrow,”
Battles and Fights.
Battle of Barra, between Onund Treefoot,
and King Kiarval, 1, 2
of Bute, between Onund Treefoot and the
Vikings, Vigbiod
and Vestmar, 7, 9
of Ernewaterheath, between Grettir and
Hallmund on one
side, and Thorir of Garth
with eighty men on the other, 168, 170
of Grettirsoddi by Hitriver, between Grettir
and the Marshmen,
179, 180
of Hafrsfirth, between Harald Fairhair
and several Norwegian petty
kings, 3, 4
of Nesjar, between St. Olaf and Earl Svein,
of the Pass, between Ath Asmundson and
the Sons of Thorir of the
Pass, 127, 128
at Bowerfell, between Grettir and the
men of Meal, 91
Fight in Drangey, between the Brothers
Grettir and Illugi, on one
side, and Thorbiorn Angle
and his band on the other, 240, 241
Fight on Ernewaterheath, with the Assassins
Grim and Thorir
Redbeard, 163, 164
at Fairwoodfell with Gish, 176,177
at Fleet-tongue with Skeggi, 38
in Gartar, with Biorn, 68
at Goosere, with Thorbiorn Tardy, 144
in Grettir’s-Gill, between Ufeigh
Grettir and Thorbiorn
Earls’ Champion, 18,
in Haramsey, with Karr the Old, in his
harrow, 48, 49
in Haramsey, with twelve Bearserks, 56,
on Midfit, with Thorbiorn Oxmain, 141
on Reekness, between the men of the Creek
and those
of Coldback, over a whale,
on a common driftland in the Strands over
a whale, between
the foster-brothers Þorgeir
Havarson and Thormod
Coalbrowskald on one side,
and Thorgils Makson on the other, 77,78
at Sand-heaps, with a troll-wife, 194,
nigh to Sand-heaps, in a cave, with a
giant, 197
at Steinker, with Hiarandi, 70, 71
Fight at Thorhall-stead with Glam the Thrall, 107,
in Tunsberg, with Gunnar, the brother
of Hiarandi, 72, 73
with Snaekoll the bearserk, 122, 123