Thorlak (Thorhallson, Saint), Bishop of Skalholt,
Thorlaug Saemund’s daughter, 92
Thorleif, one of Thorbiorn Angle’s followers at the slaying of
Grettir, 238
Thorleif of Lavadale, 182
Thormod Coalbrowskald (kolbrunarskald), 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 145, 146,
147, 148, 149
Thormod Oleifson, called Shaft (skapti), 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 19
Thorod, who settled Ramfirth, 89
Thorod Arnorson, called Drapa-Stump (drapustufr), 89, 91, 142, 143,
144, 150, 151, 246, 248, 250
Thorod Eyvindson, the Godi, of Hjalli, 11, 24,96
Thorod Snorrison, 201, 202, 203,204
Thorolf of Ere, 154
Thorolf, called the Fastholding (fasthaldi), 273
Thorolf Skolmson. See Thoralf.
Thorstein Asmundson, called Dromund, 26, 71, 74, 75, 121-125, 252,
253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264-272
Thorstein, whom Snorri Godi had slain, 172
Thorstein Godi, 11
Thorstein Ketilson, 27
Thorstein the Red (rauethr), 79
Thorstein of Reekness, 22
Thorstein, Thorkel Kugg’s son, called Kuggson, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,
143, 144, 145, 158, 159, 170, 200, 201
Thorstein the Uplander, 26
Thorstein the White (hviti), of Sand-heaps, 191
Thorvald Asgeirson, son of Asgeir Madpate the younger, 34, 35, 77,
79, 110, 129, 130, 151, 248, 249, 250
Thorvald of Drangar, 16
Thorvald Kodranson, 27
Thorvald of Reeks in Skagafirth, 207, 222
Thorvor, Thormod’s daughter, 11
Thrand Biornson, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19
Thrand Thorarinson, 179, 180, 182
Thurid Asgeir’s-daughter, d. of Asgeir Madpate the older, 79
Thurid Thorhall’s-daughter, 95, 104
Thurid, Thorbiorn Angle’s stepmother, 208, 226-231
Tongue-Stein. See Stein Biornson.
Torfi Vebrandson, 234
Ufeigh, the father of Odd, 29
Ufeigh Ivarson, called Clubfoot (burlufotr), 1
Ufeigh Einarson, called Grettir, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 18
Ufeigh (Herraudson), the Settler of Ufeigh’s-firth, 20
Ufeigh Hreietharson (Crow-Hr.), called Thinbeard (Þunnskeggr), 208
Ufeigh Onundson, called Grettir, 19, 24, 25
Ulf the Squinter (skjalgi), 80
Ulfheid Eyulf’s-daughter, 104
Una Steinulf’s-daughter, 5
Uspak Glumson, of Ere in Bitra, 29, 151, 246, 247, 248
Uspak Kiarlakson of Skridinsenni, 29
Vermund the Slender, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157
Vestar Haengson, 5
Vestmar, a viking, 7, 9
Vigbiod, a viking, 7, 8, 9
Vikar, one of Thord Angle’s followers at the slaying of Grettir, 241
Thorlaug Saemund’s daughter, 92
Thorleif, one of Thorbiorn Angle’s followers at the slaying of
Grettir, 238
Thorleif of Lavadale, 182
Thormod Coalbrowskald (kolbrunarskald), 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 145, 146,
147, 148, 149
Thormod Oleifson, called Shaft (skapti), 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 19
Thorod, who settled Ramfirth, 89
Thorod Arnorson, called Drapa-Stump (drapustufr), 89, 91, 142, 143,
144, 150, 151, 246, 248, 250
Thorod Eyvindson, the Godi, of Hjalli, 11, 24,96
Thorod Snorrison, 201, 202, 203,204
Thorolf of Ere, 154
Thorolf, called the Fastholding (fasthaldi), 273
Thorolf Skolmson. See Thoralf.
Thorstein Asmundson, called Dromund, 26, 71, 74, 75, 121-125, 252,
253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264-272
Thorstein, whom Snorri Godi had slain, 172
Thorstein Godi, 11
Thorstein Ketilson, 27
Thorstein the Red (rauethr), 79
Thorstein of Reekness, 22
Thorstein, Thorkel Kugg’s son, called Kuggson, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,
143, 144, 145, 158, 159, 170, 200, 201
Thorstein the Uplander, 26
Thorstein the White (hviti), of Sand-heaps, 191
Thorvald Asgeirson, son of Asgeir Madpate the younger, 34, 35, 77,
79, 110, 129, 130, 151, 248, 249, 250
Thorvald of Drangar, 16
Thorvald Kodranson, 27
Thorvald of Reeks in Skagafirth, 207, 222
Thorvor, Thormod’s daughter, 11
Thrand Biornson, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19
Thrand Thorarinson, 179, 180, 182
Thurid Asgeir’s-daughter, d. of Asgeir Madpate the older, 79
Thurid Thorhall’s-daughter, 95, 104
Thurid, Thorbiorn Angle’s stepmother, 208, 226-231
Tongue-Stein. See Stein Biornson.
Torfi Vebrandson, 234
Ufeigh, the father of Odd, 29
Ufeigh Ivarson, called Clubfoot (burlufotr), 1
Ufeigh Einarson, called Grettir, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 18
Ufeigh (Herraudson), the Settler of Ufeigh’s-firth, 20
Ufeigh Hreietharson (Crow-Hr.), called Thinbeard (Þunnskeggr), 208
Ufeigh Onundson, called Grettir, 19, 24, 25
Ulf the Squinter (skjalgi), 80
Ulfheid Eyulf’s-daughter, 104
Una Steinulf’s-daughter, 5
Uspak Glumson, of Ere in Bitra, 29, 151, 246, 247, 248
Uspak Kiarlakson of Skridinsenni, 29
Vermund the Slender, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157
Vestar Haengson, 5
Vestmar, a viking, 7, 9
Vigbiod, a viking, 7, 8, 9
Vikar, one of Thord Angle’s followers at the slaying of Grettir, 241
Acres (Akrar), 178, 179, 182
Agdir, now Nedenes-Lister-og Mandals-Fogderi, in Norway,
5, 13
Armansfell, 97
Arness in the Strands, 17, 20, 21
Asbiornsness (Asbjarnarnes) in Willowdale, 85, 92
Asgeir’s-River (Asgeirsa), a farm in Willowdale,
20, 34, 275
Aslaugs-lithe (Aslaugarhlieth), 176
Audunstead in Willowdale (Auethunarstaethir), 34,
83, 84, 104
Axefirth (Axarfjoerethr), 25, 277
Axefirth-peak (Axarfjardar-nupr), 277