I. XIII. The Forefathers of Grettir
XIV. Of Grettir as a Child,
and his froward ways
with his father
XV. Of the Ball-play on Midfirth Water
XVI. Of the Slaying of Skeggi
XVII. Of Grettir’s Voyage out
XVIII. Of Grettir at Haramsey
and his dealings with
Karr the Old
XIX. Of Yule at Haramsey,
and how Grettir dealt
with the Bearserks
XX. How Thorfinn met Grettir at Haramsey again
XXI. Of Grettir and Biorn and the Bear
XXII. Of the Slaying of Biorn
XXIII. The Slaying of Hiarandi
XXIV. Of the Slaying of Gunnar,
and Grettir’s strife
with Earl Svein
XXV. The Slaying of Thorgils Makson
XXVI. Of Thorstein Kuggson,
and the gathering for
the Bloodsuit for the Slaying of Thorgils
XXVII. The Suit for the Slaying of Thorgils Makson
XXVIII. Grettir comes out to Iceland again
XXIX. Of the Horse-fight at Longfit
XXX. Of Thorbiorn Oxmain and
Thorbiorn Tardy,
and of Grettir’s meeting with Kormak
XXXI. How Grettir met Bardi,
the Son of Gudmund,
as he came back from the Heath-slayings
XXXII. Of the Haunting at Thorhall-stead;
and how
Thorhall took a Shepherd by the rede of
Skapti the Lawman, and what befell thereafter
XXXIII. Of the doings of Glam at Thorhall-stead
XXXIV. Grettir hears of the Hauntings
XXXV. Grettir goes to Thorhall-stead,
and has to do
with Glam
XXXVI. Of Thorbiorn Oxmain’s
Autumn-feast, and the
mocks of Thorbiorn Tardy
XXXVII. Olaf the Saint, King
in Norway; the slaying
of Thorbiorn Tardy; Grettir goes to
XXXVIII. Of Thorir of Garth and his sons; and
fetched fire for his shipmates
XXXIX. How Grettir would fain
bear Iron before the
XL. Of Grettir and Snoekoll
XLI. Of Thorstein Dromund’s
Arms, and what he
deemed they might do
XLII. Of the Death of Asmund the Greyhaired
XLIII. The Onset on Atli at
the Pass and the Slaying
of Gunnar and Thorgeir
XLIV. The Suit for the Slaying
of the Sons of Thorir
of the Pass
XLV. Of the Slaying of Atli Asmundson
XLVI. Grettir outlawed at the
Thing at the Suit of
Thorir of Garth
XLVII. Grettir comes out to Iceland again
XLVIII. The Slaying of Thorbiorn Oxmain
XLIX. The Gathering to avenge Thorbiorn Oxmain
L. Grettir and the Foster-brothers at Reek-knolls