Abjuration oath.
Accusation, false, a means for injuring
a community.
Action, motives for, often interested.
Administration and Legislature.
Agriculture, encouraged by the clergy.
Alberoni, Cardinal.
Ale-houses, should be closed at midnight.
Ammianus Marcellinus.
Anne, Queen, her good qualities,
“Bounty” of.
Arber, Mr. Edward.
Army, English, its bad discipline.
Aristotle, his dictum about happiness
and wisdom.
Asgill, John, biographical sketch of.
Athanasian creed.
Atheism, not worse than superstition or
rise of, due to the Rebellion
and murder of King Charles I.
Atheist, a perfect, is a perfectly moral
Atterbury, Bishop.
Bacon, Lord.
Basilovitz, John.
Baumgarten’s “Travels”.
Beggars, often intercept charity intended
for the poor,
distinct from the poor,
in Ireland,
methods for dealing with them,
should wear badges.
Belief, want of, a defect.
Benefices, value of dividing them.
Berkeley, Earl of,
his letter to Swift.
Berkeley, Lady,
Swift’s character of.
Bettesworth, Sergeant, his rencontre with
Dr. Dunkin on,
and Dr. Theophilus Bolton.
Bible, the, difficult to understand.
Biblical terminology.
Bill for a Modus,
its hardships on the clergy.
Bill of Division,
its injustice.
Bill of Residence,
its injustice.
Bindon, F., portrait of Swift.
Bishoprics, value of,
manner of filling Irish,
necessity for increasing their
Bishops, their tyranny,
their power derived from the
comparison between English
and French,
Swift’s description
of the Irish,
arguments against their power
to let leases,
their action at the Reformation,
reduction of their revenues,
evil of giving them power
to let leases for lives,
their power over church lands,
two kinds lately promoted.
Blasphemy, “breaking” for.
Bolingbroke, Lord.
Bolton, Dr. Theophilus, Archbishop of
and Bettesworth.
Bouffiers, Mons.
“Bounty,” Queen Anne’s,
Charles the Second’s.
Bowen, Zachery.
Boyce, S.
Boyle, Dean.
Boyse, J.
Brodrick, Allen.
Brown, Rev. Mr.
Budgell, Eustace, his appropriation of
Tindal’s effects.
Bull, Dr. George.
Burke, Edmund, on Swift’s sermon
on “Doing Good.”
Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury,
on occasional conformity,
Swift’s satire on,
Dartmouth on,
biographical sketch of,
“History of the Reformation,”
“Vindication of the
Church and State of Scotland,”