Minstrelsy of the Scottish border, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 338 pages of information about Minstrelsy of the Scottish border, Volume 1.

Minstrelsy of the Scottish border, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 338 pages of information about Minstrelsy of the Scottish border, Volume 1.

  The first ae guide that they met wi’,
  It was high up in Hardhaughswire;
  The second guide that they met wi’,
  It was laigh down in Borthwick water.

  “What tidings, what tidings, my trusty guide?”
  “Nae tidings, nae tidings, I hae to thee;
  But, gin ye’ll gae to the fair Dodhead,
  Mony a cow’s cauf I’ll let thee see.”

  And whan they cam to the fair Dodhead,
  Right hastily they clam the peel;
  They loosed the kye out, are and a’,
  And ranshackled[132] the house right weel.

  Now Jamie Telfer’s heart was sair,
  The tear aye rowing in his e’e;
  He pled wi’ the captain to hae his gear,
  Or else revenged he wad be.

  The captain turned him round, and leugh;
  Said—­“Man, there’s naething in thy house,
  But ae auld sword without a sheath,
  That hardly now wad fell a mouse!”

  The sun was na up, but the moon was down,
  It was the gryming[133] of a new fa’n snaw,
  Jamie Telfer has run ten myles a-foot,
  Between the Dodhead and the Stobs’s Ha’.

  And whan he cam to the fair tower yate,
  He shouted loud, and cried weel hie,
  Till out bespak auld Gibby Elliot—­
  “Whae’s this that brings the fraye to me?”

  “Its I, Jamie Telfer o’ the fair Dodhead,
  And a harried man I think I be! 
  There’s naething left at the fair Dodhead,
  But a waefu’ wife and bairnies three.”

  “Gar seek your succour at Branksome Ha’,
  For succour ye’se get nane frae me! 
  Gae seek your succour where ye paid black mail,
  For, man! ye ne’er paid money to me.”

  Jamie has turned him round about,
  I wat the tear blinded his e’e—­
  “I’ll ne’er pay mail to Elliot again,
  And the fair Dodhead I’ll never see!

  “My hounds may a’ rin masterless,
  My hawks may fly frae tree to tree,
  My lord may grip my vassal lands,
  For there again maun I never be!”

  He has turned him to the Tiviot side,
  E’en as fast as he could drie,
  Till he cam to the Coultart Cleugh,
  And there he shouted baith loud and hie.

  Then up bespak him auld Jock Grieve—­
  “Whae’s this that bring’s the fray to me?”
  “It’s I, Jamie Telfer o’ the fair Dodhead,
  A harried man I trew I be.

  “There’s naething left in the fair Dodhead,
  But a greeting wife and bairnies three,
  And sax poor ca’s[134] stand in the sta’,
  A’ routing loud for their minnie."[135]

  “Alack a wae!” quo’ auld Jock Grieve,
  “Alack! my heart is sair for thee! 
  For I was married on the elder sister,
  And you on the youngest of a’ the three,”

  Then he has ta’en out a bonny black,
  Was right weel fed wi’ corn and hay,
  And he’s set Jamie Telfer on his back,
  To the Catslockhill to tak the fraye.

  And whan he cam to the Catslockhill,
  He shouted loud, and cried weel hie,
  Till out and spak him William’s Wat—­
  “O whae’s this brings the fraye to me?”

Project Gutenberg
Minstrelsy of the Scottish border, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.