The High School Boys in Summer Camp eBook

H. Irving Hancock
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about The High School Boys in Summer Camp.

The High School Boys in Summer Camp eBook

H. Irving Hancock
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about The High School Boys in Summer Camp.

“That is all,” continued Mr. Colquitt, “except that the missing infant had a small v-shaped nick on the outer edge of his right ear.  Probably with the boy’s growth, if he is still alive, the nick has become so small as to be barely noticeable, like the nick in Holmes’ right ear.  Mr. Hibbert came to Gridley only yesterday, and it happened that one of the first young men he saw, close to the hotel, was young Holmes.  Rather by chance Hibbert saw that very small nick, that usually would escape notice.  In great excitement Hibbert telegraphed the anxious father, and the father wired Blinders’ detective agency, which sent me down to Gridley.”

“It isn’t possible that Greg can be the missing son,” breathed Tom Reade incredulously.

“He isn’t,” declared Tom Colquitt promptly.  “I made sure of that very soon after I reached town to-day.  First of all, I found out the name of the family physician, Dr. Bentley.  I saw that gentleman, and he assured me he knew that young Holmes was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, for Dr. Bentley told me that he signed young Greg’s birth certificate.  That was proof enough, but I also saw Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, a few minutes ago.  The missing son of the wealthy man in question had two other marks on his body that would identify him.”

“What are those marks?” asked Dave Darrin deeply interested.

Tom Colquitt hesitated, glancing at young Mr. Hibbert.

“Tell ’em,” nodded the young man of the four-quart hat.

“The young man we are seeking,” replied the detective, “will have a brownish mole over his right shoulder blade and a reddish mark to the left of his breast bone.  The boy was born with those marks.  The nick in his ear resulted from an accident when the nurse was handling the child.”

“We’ll find the youngster for you,” promised Danny Grin lightly.

“And is Mr. Hibbert a detective, too?” asked Tom Reade.

“No,” replied Colquitt, with great promptness, while Mr. Hibbert, grinning sheepishly, added: 

“I haven’t brains enough for that, I guess.  But, Master Holmes, please tell me, to satisfy my last doubt.  Have you any such marks as Mr. Colquitt has described?”

“I never noticed such marks on myself,” Greg replied.

“He hasn’t them,” Dave interjected, “or the rest of us would have noticed the marks when we’ve been in swimming.”

“Then your last idea that Gregory Holmes is the missing young man must vanish now, my dear Mr. Hibbert,” smiled Mr. Colquitt.

“I’m vanquished,” confessed Alonzo Hibbert, with a sigh.  “I’m no good at anything.  I wouldn’t even make a detective.”

“I must leave you now,” suggested Mr. Colquitt, rising.  “I must wire to—–­er—–­to my client.  Poor man, he will be greatly disappointed.”

As the detective rose and passed outside Hazelton leaned over to murmur to young Holmes: 

“Don’t you wish it had turned out that you were the million-dollar kid?”

Project Gutenberg
The High School Boys in Summer Camp from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.