The Mysterious Island eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 706 pages of information about The Mysterious Island.

The Mysterious Island eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 706 pages of information about The Mysterious Island.

Nearly five minutes passed thus, Top rummaging, the reporter following him prudently when, all at once, the dog rushed towards a thick bush, and drew out a rag.

It was a piece of cloth, stained and torn, which Spilett immediately brought back to the corral.  There it was examined by the colonists, who found that it was a fragment of Ayrton’s waistcoat, a piece of that felt, manufactured solely by the Granite House factory.

“You see, Pencroft,” observed Harding, “there has been resistance on the part of the unfortunate Ayrton.  The convicts have dragged him away in spite of himself!  Do you still doubt his honesty?”

“No, captain,” answered the sailor, “and I repented of my suspicion a long time ago!  But it seems to me that something may be learned from the incident.”

“What is that?” asked the reporter.

“It is that Ayrton was not killed at the corral!  That they dragged him away living, since he has resisted.  Therefore, perhaps, he is still living!”

“Perhaps, indeed,” replied the engineer, who remained thoughtful.

This was a hope, to which Ayrton’s companions could still hold.  Indeed, they had before believed that, surprised in the corral, Ayrton had fallen by a bullet, as Herbert had fallen.  But if the convicts had not killed him at first, if they had brought him living to another part of the island, might it not be admitted that he was still their prisoner?  Perhaps, even, one of them had found in Ayrton his old Australian companion Ben Joyce, the chief of the escaped convicts.  And who knows but that they had conceived the impossible hope of bringing back Ayrton to themselves?  He would have been very useful to them, if they had been able to make him turn traitor!

This incident was, therefore, favorably interpreted at the corral, and it no longer appeared impossible that they should find Ayrton again.  On his side, if he was only a prisoner, Ayrton would no doubt do all he could to escape from the hands of the villains, and this would be a powerful aid to the settlers!

“At any rate,” observed Gideon Spilett, “if happily Ayrton did manage to escape, he would go directly to Granite House, for he could not know of the attempted assassination of which Herbert has been a victim, and consequently would never think of our being imprisoned in the corral.”

“Oh!  I wish that he was there, at Granite House!” cried Pencroft, “and that we were there, too!  For, although the rascals can do nothing to our house, they may plunder the plateau, our plantations, our poultry-yard!”

Pencroft had become a thorough farmer, heartily attached to his crops.  But it must be said that Herbert was more anxious than any to return to Granite House, for he knew how much the presence of the settlers was needed there.  And it was he who was keeping them at the corral!  Therefore, one idea occupied his mind—­to leave the corral, and when!  He believed he could bear removal to Granite House.  He was sure his strength would return more quickly in his room, with the air and sight of the sea!

Project Gutenberg
The Mysterious Island from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.