A Spinner in the Sun eBook

Myrtle Reed
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about A Spinner in the Sun.

A Spinner in the Sun eBook

Myrtle Reed
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about A Spinner in the Sun.

“Why don’t you talk to her?” queried Ralph.

“Talk to her!” snorted Doctor Dexter.  “Do you suppose I haven’t ruptured my vocal cords more than once?  I might just as well put my head out of the front window and whisper it as to talk to her.”

“She won’t monkey with my case,” said Ralph.  His mouth was firmly set.

“Won’t she?” parried Doctor Dexter, sarcastically.  “You go up there and see if the cast isn’t off and the fracture being fomented with pennyroyal tea or some such mess.”

“I always had an impression,” said Ralph, thoughtfully, “that people were afraid of you.”

“They are,” grunted Doctor Dexter, “but Miss Mehitable isn’t ‘people.’  She goes by herself, and isn’t afraid of man or devil.  If I had horns and a barbed tail and breathed smoke, I couldn’t scare her.  The patient’s family, being more afraid of her than of me, invariably give her free access to the sick-room.”

“I don’t want her to worry Araminta,” said Ralph.

“If you don’t want Araminta worried,” replied Doctor Dexter, conclusively, “you’d better put a few things into your suit case, and move up there until she walks.”

“All right,” said Ralph.  “I’m here to rout your malign influence.  It’s me to sit by Araminta’s crib and scare the old girl off.  I’ll bet I can fix her.”

“If you can,” returned Doctor Dexter, “you are considerably more intelligent than I take you to be.”

With the welfare of his young patient very earnestly at heart, Ralph went up the hill.  Miss Evelina admitted him, and Ralph drew her into the dusty parlour.  “Can you take care of anybody?” he inquired, without preliminary.  “Can you follow directions?”

“I—­think so.”

“Then,” Ralph went on, “I turn Araminta over to you.  Miss Mehitable has nothing to do with the case from this moment.  Araminta is in your care and mine.  You take directions from me and from nobody else.  Do you understand?”

“Yes,” whispered Miss Evelina, “but Mehitable won’t—­won’t let me.”

“Won’t let you nothing,” said Ralph, scornfully.  “She’s to be kept out.”

“She—­she—­” stammered Miss Evelina, “she’s up there now.”

Ralph started upstairs.  Half-way up, he heard the murmur of voices, and went up more quietly.  He stepped lightly along the hall and stood just outside Araminta’s door, shamelessly listening.

“You ought to be ashamed of yourself,” said an indignant feminine voice.  “The idea of a big girl like you not bein’ able to stand on a ladder without fallin’ off.  It’s your mother’s foolishness cropping out in you, after all I’ve done for you.  I’ve stood on ladders all my life and never so much as slipped.  I believe you did it a purpose, though what you thought you’d get for doin’ it puzzles me some.  P’raps you thought you’d get out of the housecleanin’ but you won’t.  When it comes time for the Fall cleanin,’ you’ll do every stroke yourself, to pay for all this trouble and expense.  Do you know what it’s costin’?  Four dollars and a half of good money!  I should think you’d be ashamed!”

Project Gutenberg
A Spinner in the Sun from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.