as Rousseau—had in view an elaborate, a
priori, ideal system of government; but these were
exceptions, and the majority of the Philosophes
ignored politics proper altogether. This was
a great misfortune; but it was inevitable. The
beneficent changes which had been introduced so effectively
and with such comparative ease into the government
of England had been brought about by men of affairs;
in France the men of affairs were merely the helpless
tools of an autocratic machine, and the changes had
to owe their origin to men uninstructed in affairs—to
men of letters. Reform had to come from the outside,
instead of from within; and reform of that kind spells
revolution. Yet, even here, there were compensating
advantages. The changes in England had been, for
the most part, accomplished in a tinkering, unspeculative,
hole-and-corner spirit; those in France were the result
of the widest appeal to first principles, of an attempt,
at any rate, to solve the fundamental problems of
society, of a noble and comprehensive conception of
the duties and destiny of man. This was the achievement
of the Philosophes. They spread far and
wide, not only through France, but through the whole
civilized world, a multitude of searching interrogations
on the most vital subjects; they propounded vast theories,
they awoke new enthusiasms, and uplifted new ideals.
In two directions particularly their influence has
been enormous. By their insistence on the right
of free opinion and on the paramount necessity of
free speculation, untrammelled by the fetters of orthodoxy
and tradition, they established once for all as the
common property of the human race that scientific
spirit which has had such an immense effect on modern
civilization, and whose full import we are still only
just beginning to understand. And, owing mainly
to their efforts also, the spirit of humanity has
come to be an abiding influence in the world.
It was they who, by their relentless exposure of the
abuses of the French judicial system—the
scandal of arbitrary imprisonment, the futile barbarism
of torture, the medieval abominations of the penal
code—finally instilled into public opinion
a hatred of cruelty and injustice in all their forms;
it was they who denounced the horrors of the slave-trade;
it was they who unceasingly lamented the awful evils
of war. So far as the actual content of their
thought was concerned, they were not great originators.
The germs of their most fruitful theories they found
elsewhere—chiefly among the thinkers of
England; and, when they attempted original thinking
on their own account, though they were bold and ingenious,
they were apt also to be crude. In some sciences—political
economy, for instance, and psychology—they
led the way, but attained to no lasting achievement.
They suffered from the same faults as Montesquieu
in his Esprit des Lois. In their love of
pure reason, they relied too often on the swift processes
of argument for the solution of difficult problems,