of men. Two great themes compose his argument:
the miserable insignificance of all that is human—human
reason, human knowledge, human ambition; and the transcendent
glory of God. Never was the wretchedness of mankind
painted with a more passionate power. The whole
infinitude of the physical universe is invoked in
his sweeping sentences to crush the presumption of
man. Man’s intellectual greatness itself
he seizes upon to point the moral of an innate contradiction,
an essential imbecility. ‘Quelle chimere,’
he exclaims, ’est-ce donc que l’homme!
quelle nouveaute, quel monstre, quel chaos, quel sujet
de contradiction, quel prodige! Juge de toutes
choses, imbecile ver de terre, depositaire du vrai,
cloaque d’incertitude et d’erreur, gloire
et rebut de l’univers!’ In words of imperishable
intensity, he dwells upon the omnipotence of Death:
’Nous sommes plaisants de nous reposer dans
la societe de nos semblables. Miserables comme
nous, impuissants comme nous, ils ne nous aideront
pas; on mourra seul.’ Or he summons up
in one ghastly sentence the vision of the inevitable
end: ’Le dernier acte est sanglant, quelque
belle que soit la comedie en tout le reste. On
jette enfin de la terre sur la tete, et en voila pour
jamais.’ And so follows the conclusion of
the whole: ’Connaissez donc, superbe, quel
paradoxe vous etes a vous-meme. Humiliez-vous,
raison impuissante; taisez-vous, nature imbecile ...
et entendez de votre maitre votre condition veritable
que vous ignorez. Ecoutez Dieu.’
Modern as the style of Pascal’s writing is,
his thought is deeply impregnated with the spirit
of the Middle Ages. He belonged, almost equally,
to the future and to the past. He was a distinguished
man of science, a brilliant mathematician; yet he
shrank from a consideration of the theory of Copernicus:
it was more important, he declared, to think of the
immortal soul. In the last years of his short
life he sank into a torpor of superstition—ascetic,
self-mortified, and rapt in a strange exaltation,
like a medieval monk. Thus there is a tragic
antithesis in his character—an unresolved
discord which shows itself again and again in his
Pensees. ‘Condition de l’homme,’
he notes, ‘inconstance, ennui, inquietude.’
It is the description of his own state. A profound
inquietude did indeed devour him. He turned desperately
from the pride of his intellect to the consolations
of his religion. But even there—?
Beneath him, as he sat or as he walked, a great gulf
seemed to open darkly, into an impenetrable abyss.
He looked upward into heaven, and the familiar horror
faced him still: ’Le silence eternel de
ces espaces infinis m’effraie!’