Kai Lung's Golden Hours eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about Kai Lung's Golden Hours.

Kai Lung's Golden Hours eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about Kai Lung's Golden Hours.

“This is doubtless your angle, but there is another; nor is it well to ignore the saying, ’Should you miss the tiger be assured that he will not miss you,’” he remarked at length.  “Have you sufficiently considered the eventuality of a dragon killing you?”

“It is no less aptly said:  ’To be born is in the course of nature, but to die is according to the decree of destiny.’”

“That is a two-edged weapon, and the dragon may be the first to apply it.”

“In that case this person will fall back upon the point of the adage:  ’It is better to die two years too soon than to live one year too long,’” replied Chang Tao.  “Should he fail in the adventure and thus lose all hope of Melodious Vision, of the house of Shen, there will be no further object in prolonging a wearisome career.”

“You speak of Melodious Vision, she being of the house of Shen,” said the stranger, regarding his companion with an added scrutiny.  “Is the unmentioned part of her father’s honourable name Yi, and is his agreeable house so positioned that it fronts upon a summer-seat domed with red copper?”

“The description is exact,” admitted Chang Tao.  “Have you, then, in the course of your many-sided travels, passed that way?”

“It is not unknown to me,” replied the other briefly.  “Learn now how incautious had been your speech, and how narrowly you have avoided the exact fate of which I warned you.  The one speaking to you is in reality a powerful dragon, his name being Pe-lung, from the circumstance that the northern limits are within his sway.  Had it not been for a chance reference you would certainly have been struck dead at the parting of our ways.”

“If this is so it admittedly puts a new face upon the matter,” agreed Chang Tao.  “Yet how can reliance be spontaneously placed upon so incredible a claim?  You are a man of moderate cast, neither diffident nor austere, and with no unnatural attributes.  All the dragons with which history is concerned possess a long body and a scaly skin, and have, moreover, the power of breathing fire at will.”

“That is easily put to the test.”  No sooner had Pe-lung uttered these words than he faded, and in his place appeared a formidable monster possessing all the terror-inspiring characteristics of his kind.  Yet in spite of his tree-like eyebrows, fiercely-moving whiskers and fire-breathing jaws, his voice was mild and pacific as he continued:  “What further proof can be required?  Assuredly, the self-opinionated spirit in which you conduct your quest will bring you no nearer to a desired end.”

“Yet this will!” exclaimed Chang Tao, and suddenly drawing his reliable sword he drove it through the middle part of the dragon’s body.  So expertly was the thrust weighted that the point of the weapon protruded on the other side and scarred the earth.  Instead of falling lifeless to the ground, however, the Being continued to regard its assailant with benignant composure, whereupon the youth withdrew the blade and drove it through again, five or six times more.  As this produced no effect beyond rendering the edge of the weapon unfit for further use, and almost paralysing the sinews of his own right arm, Chang Tao threw away the sword and sat down on the road in order to recall his breath.  When he raised his head again the dragon had disappeared and Pe-lung stood there as before.

Project Gutenberg
Kai Lung's Golden Hours from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.