Marriage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 596 pages of information about Marriage.

Marriage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 596 pages of information about Marriage.

“Such a blow!” reverberated Mrs. Finch.

“The most doating husband!  I may say he lived but in my sight.  Such a man!”

“Such a man!” said the Duke.

“Such a man!” exclaimed the General.

“Oh! such a man!” sobbed Mrs. Finch, as she complacently dropped a few tears.  At hat moment, sacred to tender remembrance, the door opened, and Mrs. Downe Wright was announced.  She entered the room as if she had come to profane the ashes of the dead, and insult the feelings of the living.  A smile was upon her face; and, in place of the silent pressure, she shook her Ladyship heartily by the hand as she expressed her pleasure at seeing her look so well.

“Well!” replied the Lady, “that is wonderful, after whatever have suffered; but grief, it seems, will not kill!”

“I never thought it would,” said Mrs. Downe Wright; “but I thought your having been confined to the house so long might have affected your looks.  However, I’m happy to see that is not the case, as I don’t recollect ever to have seen you so fat.”

Lady Matilda tried to look her into decency, but in vain.  She sighed, and even groaned; but Mrs. Downe Wright would not be dolorous, and was not to be taken in, either by sigh or groan, crape-fan or prayer-book.  There was nobody her Ladyship stood so much in awe of as Mrs. Downe Wright.  She had an instinctive knowledge that she knew her, and she felt her genius repressed by her, as Julius Cresar’s was by Cassius.  They had been very old acquaintances, but never were cordial friends, though many worthy people are very apt to confound the two.  Upon this occasion Mrs. Downe Wright certainly did; for, availing herself of this privilege, she took off her cloak, and said, “’Tis so long since I have seen you, my dear; and since I see you so well, and able to enjoy the society of your friends, I shall delay the rest of my visits, and spend the morning with you.”

“That is truly kind of you, my dear Mrs. Downe Wright,” returned the mourner, with a countenance in which real woe was now plainly depicted; “but I cannot be so selfish as to claim such a sacrifice from you.”

“There is no sacrifice in the case, I assure you, my dear,” returned Mrs. Downe Wright.  “This is a most comfortable room; and I could go nowhere that I would meet a pleasanter little circle,” looking round.

Lady Matilda thought herself undone.  Looking well—­fat—­comfortable room—­pleasant circle—­rung in her ears, and caused almost as great a whirl in her brain as noses, lips, handkerchiefs, did in Othello’s Mrs. Downe Wright, always disagreeable, was now perfectly insupportable.  She had disconcerted all her plans—­she was a bar to all her studied speeches—­even an obstacle to all her sentimental looks; yet to get rid of her was impossible.  In fact, Mrs. Downe Wright was far from being an amiable woman.  She took a malicious pleasure in tormenting those she did not like; and her skill in this art was so great that she even deprived the tormented of the privilege of complaint.  She had a great insight into character, and she might be said to read the very thoughts of his victims.  Making a desperate effort to be herself again, Lady Matilda turned to her two young visitors, with whom she had still some hopes of success.

Project Gutenberg
Marriage from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.