Lander's Travels eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,054 pages of information about Lander's Travels.

Lander's Travels eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,054 pages of information about Lander's Travels.
supplying travellers.  Boo Khaloom now came up and was petitioned.  Major Denham saw that he was ashamed of the paltry booty which his followers had obtained, as well as moved by the tears of the sufferers.  The major seized the favourable moment, and advised that the Arabs should give every thing back, and have a few sheep and an ox for a bousafer (feast), he accordingly gave the orders, and the Arabs from under their barracans, threw down the wrappers they had torn off the bodies of the Tibboo women, and the major was glad in his heart, when taking ten sheep and a fat bullock, they left these poor creatures to their fate, as had more Arabs arrived, they would most certainly have stripped them of every thing.

On the 31st, Boo Khaloom had thought it right to send on a Tibboo, with the news of their approach to the sheik El Kanemy who, they understood, resided at Kouka, and one was despatched with a camel, and a man of Mina Tahr.  On their arrival at Kofei, the Tibboo only, who had been despatched, was found alone and naked, some Tibboo Arabs of a tribe called Wandela, had met them near the well, on the preceding evening, and robbed him even to his cap, and taking from him the letters, saying they cared not for the sheik or Boo Khaloom, tied him to a tree and there left him.  In this state he was found by Major Denham’s party, and Mr. Clapperton coming up soon afterwards, gave him from his biscuit bag, wherewithal to break his fast, after being twenty-four hours without eating.  Eighteen men had stripped him, he said, and taken off the camel and Mina Tahr’s man, who, they also said, should be ransomed, or have his throat cut.  Mina Tahr represented these people as the worst on the road, in every sense of the word.  “They have no flocks,” said he, “and have not more than three hundred camels, although their numbers are one thousand and more; they live by plunder, and have no connexion with any other people.  No considerable body of men can follow them; their tents are in the heart of the desert, and there are no wells for four days in the line of their retreat.  Geddy Ben Agah is their chief, and I alone would give fifty camels for his head:  these are the people, who often attack and murder travellers and small kafilas, and the Gundowy, who respect strangers, have the credit of it.”

The men of Traita, with their chief Eskou Ben Cogla, came in the evening to welcome them; the well Kofei belongs to them, and greatly enraged they appeared to be at the conduct of the Wandelas.  This chief returned to Boo Khaloom his letters, which he said, the chief of the Wandelas had sent him that morning, begging that he would meet the kafila at the well, and deliver them to Boo Khaloom; had he known then what had taken place, “the slave,” he said, “should have been stabbed at his father’s grave, before he would have delivered them.”  Boo Khaloom was greatly enraged, and Major Denham was almost afraid, that he would have revenged himself on the Traita chiefs.  However the Tibboo courier was again clothed and mounted, and once more started for Bornou.

Project Gutenberg
Lander's Travels from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.