Pardon, prerogative of; instructions respecting exercise of, 241
Parishes established in French Canada, 29
Parker, Gilbert; Canadian novelist, 286
Parr Town, first name of St. John, New Brunswick, 83
Perry, Peter; founder of Upper Canadian Reform party, 141, 146, 150
Pictou Academy, Nova Scotia; founded, 163
Pitt, the elder (Lord Chatham); gives Canada to Great Britain, 25, 35, 36
Pitt, William (the younger); introduces Act separating
Upper from Lower
Canada (Constitutional Act of 1791), 90, 91
Plains of Abraham; Wolfe’s victory on, 26
Plattsburg, battle of, pusillanimity of General Prevost at, 117
Plessis, Bishop (Roman Catholic); patriotism of, in war of 1812-15, 120
Poets in Canada, 192, 284, 285
Pontiac’s Conspiracy, 39
Pope, William H., delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206
Portuguese discovery in Canada, 5
Post Office in Canada; under British management, 164;
transferred to
Canada, 187
Poundmaker, Indian chief in North-west; rebels against Canadian government, 253; punished, 254
Poutrincourt, Baron de; founder of Port Royal, 8
Powell, Chief Justice, his unjust treatment of Robert Gourlay, 145
Preferential trade with Great Britain, 200, 201, 269, 271
Prevost, Sir George (governor-general of Canada), retires from Sackett’s Harbour 1813, 115; retreats from Plattsburg in 1814, 117; character of, 113
Prince, Colonel; orders execution of American raiders in 1838, 155
Prince Edward Island. See St. John’s Island
Prince of Wales visits Canada, 193
Princess Louise, arrives in Canada with the Marquess of Lome, 244; her support of Art, 288
Proclamation of 1764; for government of Canada, 40-42
Procter, General, defeats General Winchester in 1813,
115; beaten at
Moraviantown in 1813, 116
Prohibitory Liquor Law; agitation for, 340; popular vote on, ib.
Protestantism unknown in French Canada, 28
Provincial governments established under Confederation, 217, 218
Provinces, constitution of, under Confederation, 275, 276
Puritan migration to Nova Scotia, 50
Put-in Bay (Lake Erie); British fleet defeated at, in 1813, 116
Quebec Act; origin of, 44, 45, its provisions, 45-47;
how received in
Canada, 46; unpopularity of, in old British colonies,
Quebec, Convention of, 1864; delegates to, 199-206; passes resolutions in favour of federal union, 206-209
Quebec founded, 9
Queenston Heights; battle of, in 1812, 114
Railways in Canada; in 1865, 191, in 1899, 273.
See Intercolonial R.
Canadian Pacific R.