Neutrality of the Great Lakes, 294, 295
“Neutrals,” on French Acadians; expulsion of from Nova Scotia, 22, 23
Newark (Niagara), meeting of first Upper Canadian legislature at, 93; seat of government removed from, to York, 101
New Brunswick; originally part of Acadie and Nova Scotia, 53; province of founded by Loyalists, 83; capital ib.; state of, in 1838, 162; political struggle for self-government in, 173, 174; takes part in Quebec Convention, 198, 205; brought into Confederation, 215, 216; boundary dispute with Maine, 296-300
New Brunswick school question, 201, 2O2
New Brunswick University; founded at Fredericton, 163
New Caledonia; old name of British Columbia, 232
Newfoundland; delegates from, to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206; refuses to join the Dominion, 235
Niagara, see Newark
Nicholson, General; captures Port Royal, 9
Norse voyages to Canada, 4
North-eastern Boundary question, 296-299; map of Boundary, 1842, 297
North-west Company; rival of the Hudson’s Bay Company in North America, 224, 225
North-west Boundary dispute, 292, 293; map of, 293
North-west Territories, early history of, 221-227; annexation of, to Canada, 227, 230; first rebellion in, 227-230; government of, 277; second rebellion in, 249-255; districts of, 277
Nova Scotia (Acadie); first settled by France, 8, 9; foundation of Port Royal (Annapolis), 8; ceded to Great Britain by Treaty of Utrecht, 9; population of, at conquest, 15; first called Nova Scotia, 11; Halifax founded, 49; settlement by colonists of New England, 50, 51; expatriation of the Acadian French, 22, 23, 50, 51; population of, in 1767, 51; Irish immigration, ib.; Scotch immigration, 52; early government of, 52, 53, included New Brunswick, C. Breton, and St. John’s Island (Pr. Edward I), 53; early courts of justice, 55; coming of Loyalists to, 82; state of in 1837-38, 162, political struggles in, for self-government, 174-180; take part in Quebec Convention of 1864, 198, 204; brought into Confederation, 215; people opposed to, 212, 218, 219; repeal movement gradually ceases in, 233
Novelists, Canadian, 164, 285, 286
O’Callaghan, Dr.; Canadian journalist and rebel, 130
O’Donohue, Canadian rebel, 231; amnesty to, 241
Ohio Valley, French in, 23
Oregon Boundary, dispute respecting, 300-302
Osgoode, Chief Justice; first speaker of legislative
council of Upper
Canada in 1792, 94
Ottawa, city of; founded, 158
Pacific Cable; action of Canadian government with respect to, 271
Palmer, Edward; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206
Panet, Joseph Antoine; first speaker of assembly of Lower Canada in 1792, 93
Papineau, Louis J.; leader of French Canadian malcontents in rebellion of 1837, 129-134; conduct of, on outbreak of rebellion, 134, 135; return of, from exile, 181; opposes responsible government, ib.; loses political influence, ib.; character of, 180-182