Canada under British Rule 1760-1900 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 395 pages of information about Canada under British Rule 1760-1900.

Canada under British Rule 1760-1900 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 395 pages of information about Canada under British Rule 1760-1900.
The Queen. 
    Senate.  Senate. 
    House of commons.  House of representatives. 
    Session once at least every The same.
   Privileges, immunities and Such as declared by the parliament
   powers held by senate and house of the commonwealth,
   of commons, such as are defined and, until declared, such as are
   by act of the parliament of held by the commons’ house of
   Canada, but not to exceed those parliament of Great Britain at
   enjoyed at the passing of such the date of the establishment of
   act by the commons’ house of the commonwealth.
   parliament of Great Britain.


Senate composed of twenty-four Senate composed of six members for each of the senators for each state, directly three following divisions (1) chosen for six years by the Ontario, (2) Quebec, and (3) people of the state voting as maritime provinces of Nova one electorate; half the number Scotia, New Brunswick, and shall retire every three years, Prince Edward Island.  Other but shall be eligible for provinces can be represented re-election.  No property under the constitution, but the qualification is required, but the total number of senators shall senators must be British subjects not at any time exceed of the full age of twenty-one years. seventy-eight, except in the In Queensland the people can case of the admission of vote in divisions, instead of in Newfoundland, when the maximum one electorate. may be eighty-two.  Senators appointed by the crown for life, but removable for certain disabilities.  They must have a property qualification and be of the full age of thirty years.

   Speaker of the senate appointed President of the senate elected
   by the governor-general by that body.
   (in council).

   Fifteen senators form a quorum One-third of whole number of
   until parliament of Canada senators form a quorum until
   otherwise provides. parliament of commonwealth
                                        otherwise provides. 
   Non-attendance for two whole Non-attendance for two consecutive
   sessions vacates a senator’s seat. months of any session
                                        vacates a senator’s seat. 
   Members of house of commons Every three years.
   elected every five years,
   or whenever parliament is dissolved
   by the governor-general.

   No property qualification, but The same.
   must be British subjects of full
   age of twenty-one years.

Project Gutenberg
Canada under British Rule 1760-1900 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.