The Boy Allies at Liege eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about The Boy Allies at Liege.

The Boy Allies at Liege eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about The Boy Allies at Liege.

“Come, now,” Chester interrupted again, “let’s send that telegram and find out when the next train leaves.”

They found the telegraph office, and Hal prepared a message, which he handed through the window.

The clerk glanced at it, and then passed it back.

“Can’t be sent,” he informed Hal.

“Can’t be sent!  Why not?”

“Nothing can be sent over this wire but military messages from this time on,” said the clerk.

“But we missed the train, and I want to send this message to my mother, so she won’t worry,” pleaded Hal.

“I’m sorry,” the clerk returned kindly, “but it is impossible.  I must obey my orders.”

Hal and Chester were nonplused.

“What shall we do?” questioned Chester.

“The only thing I know to do,” replied Hal, “is to take the next train without telegraphing.  Mother is sure to be at the Brussels station.  I guess she knows we have enough sense to get there.”

“All right Let’s find out when the next train leaves.”

On their way to the ticket window, Hal stopped suddenly.

“What’s the matter” asked Chester.

“Matter!” exclaimed Hal.  “The matter is I haven’t any money.  All I have was enough to send that telegram, and that amount won’t get us to Brussels.”

Chester reached in his pocket, and a startled expression came over his face.

“Neither have I,” he exclaimed, feeling first one pocket and then another.  “I have lost my pocketbook.  All I have is a little change.”

The lads looked at each other in silence for several minutes.

“What shall we do?” Chester asked finally.

“I don’t know what to do,” replied Hal; “but we have got to do something.  I guess the best thing is to go back to the embassy and see if we can’t raise the price of a couple of tickets.  I am sure the ambassador will let us have it.”

“A good idea,” said Chester.  “I guess the sooner we get there the better.  Come on.”

The ambassador received them immediately.

“I’m awfully sorry, boys,” he said, after listening to their troubles, “but I am afraid I can do nothing for you.”

“Can’t you lend us enough money to get to Brussels?” asked Hal in surprise.  “You’ll get it back, all right.”

“Yes, I can lend it to you, and I am not afraid of not getting it back.”

“Then why can’t you help us?”

“The reason is this,” the ambassador explained, “this morning’s train to Brussels was the last upon which foreigners were allowed to depart.  The German government has given orders that all foreigners now in Germany must remain until mobilization is completed.  So you see you are up against it”

Hal and Chester looked at each other, and both smiled faintly.

“I see we are,” said Chester.

“Now, I’ll tell you what I can do,” continued the ambassador.  “I can let you have enough money to keep you until such a time as you will be allowed to leave the country; or, better still, you can come and live with me.  What do you say?”

Project Gutenberg
The Boy Allies at Liege from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.