The Boy Mechanic: Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 823 pages of information about The Boy Mechanic.

The Boy Mechanic: Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 823 pages of information about The Boy Mechanic.

Figure 1 shows what two boys did with old cycle wheels.  They went to some junk shops where the concerns had purchased cast-away bicycles and noticed that there were numerous wheels in very good order that could be selected from among the sets of wheels with broken or bent rims, spokes, burst tires, etc.  In fact, the lads had no trouble in getting several sets of bicycle wheels in good condition for very little money.  These wheels were taken to the back-yard shop of the boys where the young fellows had rigged up a shed-like affair and put in a bench.  The previous Christmas one of the boys received a box of tools as a gift, in which was included a little hand vise and the required tools for general boy’s handiwork.

Four of the cycle wheels they used in making the hand-propelled vehicle shown at Fig. 1.

[Illustration:  Fig. 2]

A wooden body, A, made of smooth boards rests upon shafts.  Fixed on this body is an upright carrying the sprocket B. The upright is a piece of wood about 10 in. high and 4 in. wide, fitted with one of the bearings from the cycle.  The regular cycle chain sprocket is used at B as well as upon the shaft.  The regular chain of the cycle is likewise employed, so, when buying the wheels, it is well to select one or more chains with corresponding sprockets from the junk heap.  The detail of the adjustment of the parts is shown in next views.  The letter D signifies the seat which is a box.  The steering gear is a bent iron rod, also found in the waste pile of the junk shop, and is bent to right form by heating and bending over on a rock or any solid matter.  The steering rod is marked E. It fits into a socket in the shaft of the forward wheels.

Figure 2 shows the construction of the cart below.  The cog is keyed or set-screwed to the driving shaft of the wheels with either key or set-screw used in original fastening, as the case

[Illustration:  Fig. 3, 4 Driving Shaft and Disk for Steering Gear]

may be.  The chain is marked F, and there is a slot cut in the floor of the cart to let the chain pass up and through to the cog on the propelling shaft crank.  The disk which receives the steering rod is at G. The forward shaft bears only at the center upon a disk of metal, consisting of any circular piece found among the pieces of iron or brass at the junk store.  One can get nearly all the mechanical parts in junk establishments that purchase parts of out-of-date or cast-away bicycles.  The detail of the driving shaft is shown at Fig. 3.  The sprocket wheel is at H and this is just as it is taken from the original bicycle shaft.  The bearings consist of wires looped around the shaft and inserted into holes bored in metal plates as shown.  These plates are screwed to the bottom of the cart.  The shaft itself is found in rods or even cast-away metal axles which are commonly found in most any carriage works, cycle shops or junk dealer’s.  Figure 4 shows the disk that receives the steering gear.  The disk is bored around edges for the securing screws, while the center is open for the steering rod.  When put together, three boys usually ride.  One steers and the other two turn the crank.  Freight can be carried and some boys do quite an express business in their town with one of the carts like this that they made.

Project Gutenberg
The Boy Mechanic: Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.