Congress, Federal,
establishes departments, ii.
opened by Washington, 78,
ceremonial abolished by Jefferson,
recommendations made to by
Washington, 81-83;
acts upon them, 81-83;
creates commission to treat
with Creeks, 90;
increases army, 94, 99;
fails to solve financial problems,
debates Hamilton’s report
on credit, 107, 108;
establishes national bank,
establishes protective revenue
duties, 113;
imposes an excise tax, 123;
prepares for retaliation on
Great Britain, 176;
Senate ratifies Jay treaty
conditionally, 184;
House demands papers, 207;
debates over its right to
concur in treaty, 208-210;
refuses to adjourn on Washington’s
birthday, 247;
prepares for war with France,
passes Alien and Sedition
Laws, 296.
Constitution, Federal,
necessity of, foreseen by
Washington, ii. 17-18, 23, 24;
the Annapolis Convention,
the Federal Convention, 30-36;
Washington’s attitude
in, 31,34;
his influence, 36;
campaign for ratification,
Contrecoeur, Captain,
leader of French and Indians
in Virginia, i. 75.
“Conway cabal,”
elements of in Congress, i.
214, 215;
in the army, 215;
organized by Conway, 217;
discovered by Washington,
gets control of Board of War,
tries to make Washington resign,
222, 224;
fails to invade Canada or
provide supplies, 222, 223;
harassed by Washington’s
letters, 223,226;
breaks down, 226.
Conway, Moncure D.,
his life of Randolph, ii.
65, note, 196;
his defense of Randolph in
Fauchet letter affair, 196;
on Washington’s motives,
on his unfair treatment of
Randolph, 201, 202.
Conway, Thomas,
demand for higher rank refused
by Washington, i. 216;
plots against him, 217;
his letter discovered by Washington,
made inspector-general, 221,
complains to Congress of his
reception at camp, 225;
resigns, has duel with Cadwalader,
apologizes to Washington and
leaves country, 226.
Cooke, Governor,
remonstrated with by Washington
for raising state troops, i. 186.
Cornwallis, Lord,
pursues Washington in New
Jersey, i. 175;
repulsed at Assunpink, 181;
outgeneraled by Washington,
surprises Sullivan at Brandywine,
defeats Lee at Monmouth, 236;
pursues Greene in vain, 302;
wins battle of Guilford Court
House, 302;
retreats into Virginia, 302;
joins British troops in Virginia,
his dangerous position, 304;
urged by Clinton to return
troops to New York, 306;
plunders Virginia, 307;
defeats Lafayette and Wayne,