Analyzing Character eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 522 pages of information about Analyzing Character.

Analyzing Character eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 522 pages of information about Analyzing Character.

Mr. Cutting’s ability, however, is by no means fully indicated by the offices which he has held.  He has never been an office seeker, but has preferred rather to work as a political leader.  His great interest in politics arises, first, from his ardent desire for excellence and efficiency in the public service.  Under his leadership, the town of Weston has built and maintains more miles of excellent roads, at less cost to the tax payer, than any other town of its area in the State.  Its schools and other public institutions are similarly efficient and conducted with a similar degree of economy.  Second, Mr. Cutting enjoys politics because he loves the game.  Like all true sportsmen, he plays to win, but is neither chagrined or cast down if he loses.  He is always able to rejoice with the victor if beaten in a fair fight.


Mr. Cutting is one of the organizers of the Metropolitan Bank of Boston, and a prominent member of its board of directors, thus indicating his growing interest in financial matters.

The portraits of Mr. Cutting, shown on pages 126 and 127, are well worthy of study.  In them are evident his cheerfulness, his geniality, his shrewdness, his friendliness, and his honesty of purpose.  These are shown largely in the expression, but also in the full, found development of his head just above the temples, in his long back head, and in the general squareness of the head.  This squareness, especially in the back, indicates also his prudence, his tendency to take precautions and, through foresight, to forestall disaster.  The narrowness of the head, just above the ears, indicates mildness of disposition and an ability to secure his ends by tact, diplomacy, and intellectual mastery rather than by open combat and belligerency.  The fulness of the eyes indicates Mr. Cutting’s command of language, and the broad, square chin his determination and deliberation; the long line from the point of the chin to the crown of the head, his love of authority and his ability to lead and to rule.


The man of slender build who has indications clearly marked and easily recognizable of approaching stoutness should prepare himself for executive, financial, judicial, or merchandising work.  He should study law, economics, finance, banking, politics, political economy, public speaking and other such branches.  If he has the ability to write, he should prepare himself to write on financial or political subjects.  Many of our most noted political writers are fat men.  Such writers as Alfred G. Lewis, Samuel G. Blythe, and others are good examples of this type.

Project Gutenberg
Analyzing Character from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.