The Queen of the Air eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 185 pages of information about The Queen of the Air.

The Queen of the Air eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 185 pages of information about The Queen of the Air.

90.  Of its influence on the formative arts, I have a few words to say separately:  my present business is only to interpret, as we are now sufficiently enabled to do, the external symbols of the myth under which it was represented by the Greeks as a goddess of counsel, taken first into that breast of their supreme Deity, then created out of his thoughts, and abiding closely beside him; always sharing and consummating his power.

91.  And in doing this we have first to note the meaning of the principal epithet applied to Athena, “Glaukopis,” “with eyes full of light,” the first syllable being connected, by its root, with words signifying sight, not with words signifying color.  As far as I can trace the color perception of the Greeks, I find it all founded primarily on the degree of connection between color and light; the most important fact to them in the color of red being its connection with fire and sunshine; so that “purple” is, in its original sense, “fire-color,” and the scarlet or orange, of dawn, more than any other fire-color.  I was long puzzled by Homer’s calling the sea purple; and misled into thinking he meant the color of cloud shadows on green sea; whereas he really means the gleaming blaze of the waves under wide light.  Aristotle’s idea (partly true) is that light, subdued by blackness, becomes red; and blackness, heated or lighted, also becomes red.  Thus, a color may be called purple because it is light subdued (and so death is called “purple” or “shadowy” death); or else it may be called purple as being shade kindled with fire, and thus said of the lighted sea; or even of the sun itself, when it is thought of as a red luminary opposed to the whiteness of the moon:  “purpureos inter soles, et candida lunae sidera;” or of golden hair:  “pro purpureo poenam solvens scelerata capillo;” while both ideas are modified by the influence of an earlier form of the word, which has nothing to do with fire at all, but only with mixing or staining; and then, to make the whole group of thoughts inextricably complex, yet rich and subtle in proportion to their intricacy, the various rose and crimson colors of the murex dye,—­the crimson and purple of the poppy, and fruit of the palm,—­ and the association of all these with the hue of blood,—­partly direct, partly through a confusion between the word signifying “slaughter” and “palm-fruit color,” mingle themselves in, and renew the whole nature of the old word; so that, in later literature, it means a different color, or emotion of color, in almost every place where it occurs; and cast forever around the reflection of all that has been dipped in its dyes.

92.  So that the world is really a liquid prism, and stream of opal.  And then, last of all, to keep the whole history of it in the fantastic course of a dream, warped here and there into wild grotesque, we moderns, who have preferred to rule over coal-mines instead of the sea (and so have turned the everlasting lamp of Athena into a Davy’s safety-lamp in the hand of Britannia, and Athenian heavenly lightning into British subterranean “damp"), have actually got our purple out of coal instead of the sea!  And thus, grotesquely, we have had enforced on us the doubt that held the old word between blackness and fire, and have completed the shadow, and the fear of it, by giving it a name from battle, “Magenta.”

Project Gutenberg
The Queen of the Air from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.