Thou art the Queen of
Of heaven, of earth,
of all that is;
Thou bore in thee the
King of Bliss
Without or spot
or stain;
Thou didst put right
what was amiss,
What man had lost,
The gentle Dove of Noe
thou art
The Branch of Olive-tree
that brought,
In token that a peace
was wrought,
And man to God
was dear:
Sweet Ladye, be my Fort,
When the last
fight draws near.
Thou art the Sling,
thy Son the Stone
That David at Goliath
Eke Aaron’s rod,
whence blossom sprung
Though bare it
was, and dry:
’Tis known to
all, who’ve looked upon
Thy childbirth
wondrous high.
In thee has God become
a Child,
The wretched foe in
thee is foiled;
That Unicorn that was
so wild
Is thrown by woman
Him hast thou tamed,
and forced to yield,
With milk from
Virgin breast.
Like as the sun full
clear doth pass,
Without a break, through
shining glass,
Thy Maidenhood unblemished
For bearing
of the Lord:
Now, sweetest Comfort
of our race,
To sinners
be thou good.
Take, Ladye dear, this
little Song
That out of sinful heart
has come;
Against the fiend now
make me strong,
Guide well
my wandering soul:
And though I once have
done thee wrong,
and make me whole.
Wm. De Shoreham’s
from the Latin, or French
Robt. Grosseteste;
C. 1325.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Acts II, 3.
Holy Mother of God, Virgin ever blessed, glorious and noble, chaste and inviolate, O Mary Immaculate, chosen and beloved of God, endowed win singular sanctity, worthy of all praise, thou who art the Advocate for the sins of the whole world; O listen, listen, listen to us, O holy Mary, Pray for us. Intercede for us. Disdain not to help us. For we are confident and know for certain that thou canst obtain all that thou wiliest from thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, God Almighty, the King of ages, Who liveth with the Father and the Holy Ghost, for ever and ever.
MS. Book of Cerne, belonging to Ethelwald, BP. of Sherbourne, 760.
“When the Day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place”—I suppose the “all” will be not merely the “twelve,” but the “all” that were mentioned by S. Luke a few verses before. He mentions the Apostles by name and then adds, “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.”