The Bell-Founder. subheader [Vicissitude and Rest.]
{Part iii.—Vicissitude and Rest.}
Alice and Una. line 77 [Glengarifl’s] {Glengariff’s} / note 100 [Digialis] {Digitalis}
The Voice and Pen. line 35 [orator s] {orator’s}
The Arraying. line 59 [verduous] {verdurous}
Welcome, May. line 30 [footseps] {footsteps}
The Progress of the Rose. line 65 [beateous] {beauteous}
The Year-King. line 114 [iu] {in}
The Awaking. line 11 [fear] {fear,} / line 29 [known] {known:}
The First of the Angels. line 32 [grass-bearing; lea] {grass-bearing lea}
Spirit Voices. title [voices] {voices.} / line 78 [prodnce] {produce}
O’Connell. line 123 [fault] {vault} / line 283 [it] {its}
Moore. line 101 [countr y] {country}
“Not Known”. line 39 [Not] {not}
The Lay Missioner. line 20 [tis] {’tis}
Recollections. line 94 [hundreth] {hundredth}
Spring Flowers from Ireland. line 96 [own] {own.}
The Birth of the Spring. line 21 [When] {when} / line 29 [nowledge] {knowledge}
Darrynane. line 30 [Lowne?] {Lowne—} / line 52 [main] {main?}
The Irish Emigrant’s Mother. line 10 [Tis] {’Tis}
The Rain: a Song of Peace. line 32 [again] {again!}