The Book of Dreams and Ghosts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about The Book of Dreams and Ghosts.

The Book of Dreams and Ghosts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about The Book of Dreams and Ghosts.

After this the funeral was made ready; trustworthy men were sent with the body, and good horses which Thorodd owned.  The body was wrapped in linen, but not sewed up in it, and then laid in the coffin.  After this they held south over the heath as the paths go, and went on until they came to a farm called Lower Ness, which lies in the Tongues of Staf-holt.  There they asked leave to stay over night, but the farmer would give them no hospitality.  However, as it was close on nightfall, they did not see how they could go on, for they thought it would be dangerous to deal with the White River by night.  They therefore unloaded their horses, and carried the body into an out-house, after which they went into the sitting-room and took off their outer clothes, intending to stay there over night without food.

The people of the house were going to bed by daylight, and after they were in bed a great noise was heard in the kitchen.  Some went to see whether thieves had not broken in, and when they reached the kitchen they saw there a tall woman.  She was quite naked, with no clothes whatever upon her, and was busy preparing food.  Those who saw her were so terrified that they dared not go near her at all.  When the funeral party heard of this they went thither, and saw what the matter was—­Thorgunna had come there, and it seemed advisable to them all not to meddle with her.  When she had done all that she wanted, she brought the food into the room, set the tables and laid the food upon them.  Then the funeral party said to the farmer:  “It may happen in the end, before we part, that you will think it dearly bought that you would show us no hospitality”.  Both the farmer and the housewife answered:  “We will willingly give you food, and do you all other services that you require”.

As soon as the farmer had offered them this, Thorgunna passed out of the room into the kitchen, and then went outside, nor did she show herself again.  Then a light was kindled in the room, and the wet clothes of the guests were taken off, and dry ones given them in their place.  After this they sat down at table, and blessed their food, while the farmer had holy water sprinkled over all the house.  The guests ate their food, and it harmed no man, although Thorgunna had prepared it.  They slept there that night, and were treated with great hospitality.

In the morning they continued their journey, and things went very smoothly with them; wherever this affair was heard of, most people thought it best to do them all the service that they required, and of their journey no more is to be told.  When they came to Skalholt, they handed over the precious things which Thorgunna had sent thither:  the ring and other articles, all of which the priests gladly received.  Thorgunna was buried there, while the funeral party returned home, which they all reached in safety.

Project Gutenberg
The Book of Dreams and Ghosts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.