Betty Zane eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Betty Zane.

Betty Zane eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Betty Zane.

“I’d better look on, mother,” answered the hunter.

“Pshaw!  You can hop and skip around like any of then and laugh too if you want.  I hope that pretty sister of Eb Zane has caught your fancy.”

“She is not for the like of me,” he said gently “I haven’t the gifts.”

“Don’t talk about gifts.  Not to an old woman who has lived three times and more your age,” she said impatiently.  “It is not gifts a woman wants out here in the West.  If she does ’twill do her no good.  She needs a strong arm to build cabins, a quick eye with a rifle, and a fearless heart.  What border-women want are houses and children.  They must bring up men, men to drive the redskins back, men to till the soil, or else what is the good of our suffering here.”

“You are right,” said Wetzel thoughtfully.  “But I’d hate to see a flower like Betty Zane in a rude hunter’s cabin.”

“I have known the Zanes for forty year’ and I never saw one yet that was afraid of work.  And you might win her if you would give up running mad after Indians.  I’ll allow no woman would put up with that.  You have killed many Indians.  You ought to be satisfied.”

“Fightin’ redskins is somethin’ I can’t help,” said the hunter, slowly shaking his head.  “If I got married the fever would come on and I’d leave home.  No, I’m no good for a woman.  Fightin’ is all I’m good for.”

“Why not fight for her, then?  Don’t let one of these boys walk off with her.  Look at her.  She likes fun and admiration.  I believe you do care for her.  Why not try to win her?”

“Who is that tall man with her?” continued the old lady as Wetzel did not answer.  “There, they have gone into the other room.  Who is he?”

“His name is Miller.”

“Lewis, I don’t like him.  I have been watching him all evening.  I’m a contrary old woman, I know, but I have seen a good many men in my time, and his face is not honest.  He is in love with her.  Does she care for him?”

“No, Betty doesn’t care for Miller.  She’s just full of life and fun.”

“You may be mistaken.  All the Zanes are fire and brimstone and this girl is a Zane clear through.  Go and fetch her to me, Lewis.  I’ll tell you if there’s a chance for you.”

“Dear mother, perhaps there’s a wife in Heaven for me.  There’s none on earth,” said the hunter, a sad smile flitting over his calm face.

Ralfe Miller, whose actions had occasioned the remarks of the old lady, would have been conspicuous in any assembly of men.  There was something in his dark face that compelled interest and yet left the observer in doubt.  His square chin, deep-set eyes and firm mouth denoted a strong and indomitable will.  He looked a man whom it would be dangerous to cross.

Little was known of Miller’s history.  He hailed from Ft.  Pitt, where he had a reputation as a good soldier, but a man of morose and quarrelsome disposition.  It was whispered that he drank, and that he had been friendly with the renegades McKee, Elliott, and Girty.  He had passed the fall and winter at Ft.  Henry, serving on garrison duty.  Since he had made the acquaintance of Betty he had shown her all the attention possible.

Project Gutenberg
Betty Zane from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.