Betty Zane eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Betty Zane.

Betty Zane eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Betty Zane.

“There!  Listen,” said Betty.  “Look at the fox squirrel, the big brownish red one.  I call him the Captain, because he always wants to boss the others.  I had another fox squirrel, older than this fellow, and he ran things to suit himself, until one day the grays united their forces and routed him.  I think they would have killed him had I not freed him.  Well, this one is commencing the same way.  Do you hear that odd clicking noise?  That comes from the Captain’s teeth, and he is angry and jealous because I show so much attention to this one.  He always does that, and he would fight too if I were not careful.  It is a singular fact, though, that the white squirrel has not even a little pugnacity.  He either cannot fight, or he is too well behaved.  Here, Mr. Clarke, show Snowball this nut, and then hide it in your pocket, and see him find it.”

Alfred did as he was told, except that while he pretended to put the nut in his pocket he really kept it concealed in his hand.

The pet squirrel leaped lightly on Alfred’s shoulder, ran over his breast, peeped in all his pockets, and even pushed his cap to one side of his head.  Then he ran down Alfred’s arm, sniffed in his coat sleeve, and finally wedged a cold little nose between his closed fingers.

“There, he has found it, even though you did not play fair,” said Betty, laughing gaily.

Alfred never forgot the picture Betty made standing there with the red cap on her dusky hair, and the loving smile upon her face as she talked to her pets.  A white fan-tail pigeon had alighted on her shoulder and was picking daintily at the piece of cracker she held between her lips.  The squirrels were all sitting up, each with a nut in his little paws, and each with an alert and cunning look in the corner of his eye, to prevent, no doubt, being surprised out of a portion of his nut.  Caesar was lying on all fours, growling and tearing at his breakfast, while the dog looked on with a superior air, as if he knew they would not have had any breakfast but for him.

“Are you fond of canoeing and fishing?” asked Betty, as they returned to the house.

“Indeed I am.  Isaac has taken me out on the river often.  Canoeing may be pleasant for a girl, but I never knew one who cared for fishing.”

“Now you behold one.  I love dear old Izaak Walton.  Of course, you have read his books?”

“I am ashamed to say I have not.”

“And you say you are a fisherman?  Well, you haste a great pleasure in store, as well as an opportunity to learn something of the ‘contemplative man’s recreation.’  I shall lend you the books.”

“I have not seen a book since I came to Fort Henry.”

“I have a fine little library, and you are welcome to any of my books.  But to return to fishing.  I love it, and yet I nearly always allow the fish to go free.  Sometimes I bring home a pretty sunfish, place him in a tub of water, watch him and try to tame him.  But I must admit failure.  It is the association which makes fishing so delightful.  The canoe gliding down a swift stream, the open air, the blue sky, the birds and trees and flowers—­these are what I love.  Come and see my canoe.”

Project Gutenberg
Betty Zane from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.