Betty Zane eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Betty Zane.

Betty Zane eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Betty Zane.

Confused and vexed, Betty sank back at the foot of the tree.  It is probable she would have encountered Girty or a member of his band of redmen, rather than have this young man find her in this predicament.  It provoked her to think that of all the people at the fort it should be the only one she could not welcome who should find her in such a sad plight.

“Why, Miss Zane!” he exclaimed, after a moment of hesitation.  “What in the world has happened?  Have you been hurt?  May I help you?”

“It is nothing,” said Betty, bravely, as she gathered up her flowers and the moccasin and rose slowly to her feet.  “Thank you, but you need not wait.”

The cold words nettled Alfred and he was in the act of turning away from her when he caught, for the fleetest part of a second, the full gaze of her eyes.  He stopped short.  A closer scrutiny of her face convinced him that she was suffering and endeavoring with all her strength to conceal it.

“But I will wait.  I think you have hurt yourself.  Lean upon my arm,” he said, quietly.

“Please let me help you,” he continued, going nearer to her.

But Betty refused his assistance.  She would not even allow him to take the goldenrod from her arms.  After a few hesitating steps she paused and lifted her foot from the ground.

“Here, you must not try to walk a step farther,” he said, resolutely, noting how white she had suddenly become.  “You have sprained your ankle and are needlessly torturing yourself.  Please let me carry you?”

“Oh, no, no, no!” cried Betty, in evident distress.  “I will manage.  It is not so—­very—­far.”

She resumed the slow and painful walking, but she had taken only a few steps when she stopped again and this time a low moan issued from her lips.  She swayed slightly backward and if Alfred had not dropped his rifle and caught her she would have fallen.

“Will you—­please—­for some one?” she whispered faintly, at the same time pushing him away.

“How absurd!” burst out Alfred, indignantly.  “Am I then, so distasteful to you that you would rather wait here and suffer a half hour longer while I go for assistance?  It is only common courtesy on my part.  I do not want to carry you.  I think you would be quite heavy.”

He said this in a hard, bitter tone, deeply hurt that she would not accept even a little kindness from him.  He looked away from her and waited.  Presently a soft, half-smothered sob came from Betty and it expressed such utter wretchedness that his heart melted.  After all she was only a child.  He turned to see the tears running down her cheeks, and with a suppressed imprecation upon the wilfulness of young women in general, and this one in particular, he stepped forward and before she could offer any resistance, he had taken her up in his arms, goldenrod and all, and had started off at a rapid walk toward the fort.

Project Gutenberg
Betty Zane from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.