Betty Zane eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Betty Zane.

Betty Zane eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Betty Zane.

“That’s strange, Lewis,” said Col.  Zane soberly.  “Now that you mention it I remember Jonathan said he met Miller near the Kanawha three weeks ago.  That was when Crawford’s expedition was on the way to the Shawnee villages.  The Colonel tried to enlist Miller, but Miller said he was in a hurry to get back to the Fort.  And he hasn’t come back yet.”

“I ain’t surprised.  Now, Col.  Zane, you are in command here.  I’m not a soldier and for that reason I’m all the better to watch Miller.  He won’t suspect me.  You give me authority and I’ll round up his little game.”

“By all means, Lewis.  Go about it your own way, and report anything to me.  Remember you may be mistaken and give Miller the benefit of the doubt.  I don’t like the fellow.  He has a way of appearing and disappearing, and for no apparent reason, that makes me distrust him.  But for Heaven’s sake, Lew, how would he profit by betraying us?”

“I don’t know.  All I know is he’ll bear watchin’.”

“My gracious, Lew Wetzel!” exclaimed Betty as her brother and the hunter rejoined the others.  “Have you come all the way over here without a gun?  And you have on a new suit of buckskin.”

Lewis stood a moment by Betty, gazing down at her with his slight smile.  He looked exceedingly well.  His face was not yet bronzed by summer suns.  His long black hair, of which he was as proud as a woman could have been, and of which he took as much care as he did of his rifle, waved over his shoulders.

“Betty, this is my birthday, but that ain’t the reason I’ve got my fine feathers on.  I’m goin’ to try and make an impression on you,” replied Lewis, smiling.

“I declare, this is very sudden.  But you have succeeded.  Who made the suit?  And where did you get all that pretty fringe and those beautiful beads?”

“That stuff I picked up round an Injun camp.  The suit I made myself.”

“I think, Lewis, I must get you to help me make my new gown,” said Betty, roguishly.

“Well, I must be getting’ back,” said Wetzel, rising.

“Oh, don’t go yet.  You have not talked to me at all,” said Betty petulantly.  She walked to the gate with him.

“What can an Injun hunter say to amuse the belle of the border?”

“I don’t want to be amused exactly.  I mean I’m not used to being unnoticed, especially by you.”  And then in a lower tone she continued:  “What did you mean about Mr. Miller?  I heard his name and Eb looked worried.  What did you tell him?”

“Never mind now, Betty.  Maybe I’ll tell you some day.  It’s enough for you to know the Colonel don’t like Miller and that I think he is a bad man.  You don’t care nothin’ for Miller, do you Betty?”

“Not in the least.”

“Don’t see him any more, Betty.  Good-night, now, I must be goin’ to supper.”

“Lew, stop! or I shall run after you.”

“And what good would your runnin’ do?” said Lewis “You’d never ketch me.  Why, I could give you twenty paces start and beat you to yon tree.”

Project Gutenberg
Betty Zane from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.