Betty Zane eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Betty Zane.

Betty Zane eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Betty Zane.

Betty ran up-stairs to her room, her head in a whirl stronger than the surprise of Alfred’s unexpected appearance in Fort Henry and stronger than the mortification in having been discovered going to a spot she should have been too proud to remember was the bitter sweet consciousness that his mere presence had thrilled her through and through.  It hurt her and made her hate herself in that moment.  She hid her face in shame at the thought that she could not help being glad to see the man who had only trifled with her, the man who had considered the acquaintance of so little consequence that he had never taken the trouble to write her a line or send her a message.  She wrung her trembling hands.  She endeavored to still that throbbing heart and to conquer that sweet vague feeling which had crept over her and made her weak.  The tears began to come and with a sob she threw herself on the bed and buried her head in the pillow.

An hour after, when Betty had quieted herself and had seated herself by the window a light knock sounded on the door and Col.  Zane entered.  He hesitated and came in rather timidly, for Betty was not to be taken liberties with, and seeing her by the window he crossed the room and sat down by her side.

Betty did not remember her father or her mother.  Long ago when she was a child she had gone to her brother, laid her head on his shoulder and told him all her troubles.  The desire grew strong within her now.  There was comfort in the strong clasp of his hand.  She was not proof against it, and her dark head fell on his shoulder.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Alfred Clarke had indeed made his reappearance in Fort Henry.  The preceding October when he left the settlement to go on the expedition up the Monongahela River his intention had been to return to the fort as soon as he had finished his work, but what he did do was only another illustration of that fatality which affects everything.  Man hopefully makes his plans and an inexorable destiny works out what it has in store for him.

The men of the expedition returned to Fort Henry in due time, but Alfred had been unable to accompany them.  He had sustained a painful injury and had been compelled to go to Fort Pitt for medical assistance.  While there he had received word that his mother was lying very ill at his old home in Southern Virginia and if he wished to see her alive he must not delay in reaching her bedside.  He left Fort Pitt at once and went to his home, where he remained until his mother’s death.  She had been the only tie that bound him to the old home, and now that she was gone he determined to leave the scene of his boyhood forever.

Alfred was the rightful heir to all of the property, but an unjust and selfish stepfather stood between him and any contentment he might have found there.  He decided he would be a soldier of fortune.  He loved the daring life of a ranger, and preferred to take his chances with the hardy settlers on the border rather than live the idle life of a gentleman farmer.  He declared his intention to his step-father, who ill-concealed his satisfaction at the turn affairs had taken.  Then Alfred packed his belongings, secured his mother’s jewels, and with one sad, backward glance rode away from the stately old mansion.

Project Gutenberg
Betty Zane from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.