Specie Payment, suspension of, 443.
Speech on the “Panama Mission,” 152.
Spencer, Judge, 319.
Sprague, Judge, 532.
Standish, Miles, 27.
State Banks, issue of small notes by, not advisable, 363.
State Interposition, right of, 292.
State Laws, in opposition to law of Congress, supreme,
prohibition on, concerning bankruptcy,
prohibition on, in regard to contracts,
in conflict with the Constitution, 265.
State Rights Party, Mr. Calhoun’s espousal of the, 464.
States, concurrent power of, argued, 116, 117;
doctrine of South Carolina concerning
rights of, 255;
resolution of Virginia, 1798, concerning
rights of, 256, 263;
sovereignty limits of, 257;
right of, whence derived, 264;
Calhoun’s resolutions on sovereignty
of, 273;
taxing power of, limited, 336;
have no sovereignty over public lands,
concerning insurrection in one of the,
inequality of representation in annexing
slave States, 561.
Stevenson, Andrew, 487.
Stiles, Mr., correspondence of, relating to Hungary, 682.
Stillingfleet, Bishop, argument on power of visitation
over corporations,
Story, Mr. Justice, death of, 532;
eulogy of Mr. Webster on, 532;
respect of English lawyers to, 533;
character of, 534.
Strogonoff, Baron, concerning the massacre of the Greeks, 71.
Sturges v. Crowninshield, decision in bankruptcy case of, 180.
Suffrage, principles of American government in respect to, 539.
Sullivan, William, 137.
Supreme Court of United States, its object, 293;
judges of, how appointed, 318;
concerning a nomination for judge of,
Sweden, export of iron from, 105.
Tariff, bill to amend the (1828), 77;
speech of Mr. Webster on, 77;
“American” and “foreign
policy” applied to system of, 78;
protective system of England, 84;
of 1816 and 1824, respecting manufactures,
of 1824, carried by Middle States, 110;
of 1824, Massachusetts voted against,
earliest advocates of, 243;
of 1816, 243;
of 1824, 248;
of 1828, 248, 258;
course pursued by Mr. Webster in regard
to, 247, 463;
resolutions adopted in Boston in regard
to, 463;
of 1816, a South Carolina measure, history
of, 465;
of 1816, New England against, 465;
of 1842, how passed, 489.
Taxation, effect of, on landholders in England, 44.
Taylor, Gen. Zachary, at Buena Vista, 559;
as a candidate for President, 576-579;
personal character of, 577;
his interest in the revolutionary movement
in Hungary, 679.
Tea, increase of its consumption, 80.
Terrett v. Taylor, protection of grant, 20.