Mathers, father and son, 39.
Mayflower, compact signed in her cabin, 35;
object of her voyage, 143.
Melville, Major, removed from custom-house, 348.
Members of Congress, appointment of, to office, 350.
Merchant Vessels, national territory, 656.
Message, of President Monroe on foreign interference,
approved by Lord
Brougham, 155;
how received by the people, 155;
of Gen. Jackson, 1829, views in respect
to Bank of the United States,
Methodist Church v. Remington, case of, 530.
Methodist Episcopal Church, separation of, in regard to slavery, 604.
Mexican treaty, clauses ceding New Mexico and California,
Mr. Webster’s vote in respect to,
Mexican War, speech on, 551;
objects of the, 552, 553, 556.
Mexico, the Sixteen Million Loan Bill for prosecuting
war with, 551;
treaty of 1848 between United States and,
objects of the war with, the cession of
territory, 552, 553, 556;
forced to cede territory to United States,
552, 601;
aversion of, to cede territory, 557;
war declared against, 601;
the treaty with, 632.
Military Academy at West Point, the appropriation for, 408.
Military Achievements, important by their results, 28.
Milton, John, use of words, xiii.
Missionaries in Georgia, 353.
Mississippi River, future centre of the country, 622.
Missouri Compromise, line of, 570.
Missouri, law for the admission of, 569.
Monmouth, associations of, 339.
Monopolies, report on impracticability of, 89;
power of Congress over, 116;
effect of State power over, 119.
Monroe, James, extract from message on the struggle
in Greece, 58;
extract from message concerning foreign
interference, 153.
Morris, Robert, notice of, 497.
Morton, Perez, delivered eulogy on Gen. Warren, 123.
Murder, of Capt. Joseph White, at Salem, 189;
portrayed, 195;
what constitutes a principal in, 207;
what constitutes an abettor to, 208;
two sorts of, 208.
Murphy, Mr., in regard to Texas, 612.
Napoleon, attempt in respect to cotton, 99.
Nashville Convention, 622.
National Law, concerning offences against the, 598;
Emperor of Russia bound by, 598.
Natural Hatred of Poor for the Rich, remarks of Webster on, 359.
Navigation, English act of 1660, restricting the trade
of the N.E.
Colonies, 37;
condition of that of United States (1824),
of Hudson River and Long Island Sound,
exclusive claim of Fulton to, 112.
Navy, creation of, 175;
Mr. Webster’s early support to the,
of the United States, its strength in
1850, 649.