Jane Eyre eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 705 pages of information about Jane Eyre.

Jane Eyre eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 705 pages of information about Jane Eyre.

“I hope not, sir; but I must seek another situation somewhere.”

“In course!” he exclaimed, with a twang of voice and a distortion of features equally fantastic and ludicrous.  He looked at me some minutes.

“And old Madam Reed, or the Misses, her daughters, will be solicited by you to seek a place, I suppose?”

“No, sir; I am not on such terms with my relatives as would justify me in asking favours of them —­ but I shall advertise.”

“You shall walk up the pyramids of Egypt!” he growled.  “At your peril you advertise!  I wish I had only offered you a sovereign instead of ten pounds.  Give me back nine pounds, Jane; I’ve a use for it.”

“And so have I, sir,” I returned, putting my hands and my purse behind me.  “I could not spare the money on any account.”

“Little niggard!” said he, “refusing me a pecuniary request!  Give me five pounds, Jane.”

“Not five shillings, sir; nor five pence.”

“Just let me look at the cash.”

“No, sir; you are not to be trusted.”



“Promise me one thing.”

“I’ll promise you anything, sir, that I think I am likely to perform.”

“Not to advertise:  and to trust this quest of a situation to me.  I’ll find you one in time.”

“I shall be glad so to do, sir, if you, in your turn, will promise that I and Adele shall be both safe out of the house before your bride enters it.”

“Very well! very well!  I’ll pledge my word on it.  You go to-morrow, then?”

“Yes, sir; early.”

“Shall you come down to the drawing-room after dinner?”

“No, sir, I must prepare for the journey.”

“Then you and I must bid good-bye for a little while?”

“I suppose so, sir.”

“And how do people perform that ceremony of parting, Jane?  Teach me; I’m not quite up to it.”

“They say, Farewell, or any other form they prefer.”

“Then say it.”

“Farewell, Mr. Rochester, for the present.”

“What must I say?”

“The same, if you like, sir.”

“Farewell, Miss Eyre, for the present; is that all?”


“It seems stingy, to my notions, and dry, and unfriendly.  I should like something else:  a little addition to the rite.  If one shook hands, for instance; but no —­ that would not content me either.  So you’ll do no more than say Farewell, Jane?”

“It is enough, sir:  as much good-will may be conveyed in one hearty word as in many.”

“Very likely; but it is blank and cool —­ ‘Farewell.’”

“How long is he going to stand with his back against that door?” I asked myself; “I want to commence my packing.”  The dinner-bell rang, and suddenly away he bolted, without another syllable:  I saw him no more during the day, and was off before he had risen in the morning.

Project Gutenberg
Jane Eyre from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.