The Poison Belt eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about The Poison Belt.

The Poison Belt eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about The Poison Belt.

I remember another singular picture, some miles on the London side of Sevenoaks.  There is a large convent upon the left, with a long, green slope in front of it.  Upon this slope were assembled a great number of school children, all kneeling at prayer.  In front of them was a fringe of nuns, and higher up the slope, facing towards them, a single figure whom we took to be the Mother Superior.  Unlike the pleasure-seekers in the motor-car, these people seemed to have had warning of their danger and to have died beautifully together, the teachers and the taught, assembled for their last common lesson.

My mind is still stunned by that terrific experience, and I grope vainly for means of expression by which I can reproduce the emotions which we felt.  Perhaps it is best and wisest not to try, but merely to indicate the facts.  Even Summerlee and Challenger were crushed, and we heard nothing of our companions behind us save an occasional whimper from the lady.  As to Lord John, he was too intent upon his wheel and the difficult task of threading his way along such roads to have time or inclination for conversation.  One phrase he used with such wearisome iteration that it stuck in my memory and at last almost made me laugh as a comment upon the day of doom.

“Pretty doin’s!  What!”

That was his ejaculation as each fresh tremendous combination of death and disaster displayed itself before us.  “Pretty doin’s!  What!” he cried, as we descended the station hill at Rotherfield, and it was still “Pretty doin’s!  What!” as we picked our way through a wilderness of death in the High Street of Lewisham and the Old Kent Road.

It was here that we received a sudden and amazing shock.  Out of the window of a humble corner house there appeared a fluttering handkerchief waving at the end of a long, thin human arm.  Never had the sight of unexpected death caused our hearts to stop and then throb so wildly as did this amazing indication of life.  Lord John ran the motor to the curb, and in an instant we had rushed through the open door of the house and up the staircase to the second-floor front room from which the signal proceeded.

A very old lady sat in a chair by the open window, and close to her, laid across a second chair, was a cylinder of oxygen, smaller but of the same shape as those which had saved our own lives.  She turned her thin, drawn, bespectacled face toward us as we crowded in at the doorway.

“I feared that I was abandoned here forever,” said she, “for I am an invalid and cannot stir.”

“Well, madam,” Challenger answered, “it is a lucky chance that we happened to pass.”

“I have one all-important question to ask you,” said she.  “Gentlemen, I beg that you will be frank with me.  What effect will these events have upon London and North-Western Railway shares?”

Project Gutenberg
The Poison Belt from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.