The Poison Belt eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about The Poison Belt.

The Poison Belt eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about The Poison Belt.

“In pre-scientific days,” said he, “they used to keep a white mouse in every submarine, as its more delicate organization gave signs of a vicious atmosphere before it was perceived by the sailors.  You, my dear, will be our white mouse.  I have now increased the supply and you are better.”

“Yes, I am better.”

“Possibly we have hit upon the correct mixture.  When we have ascertained exactly how little will serve we shall be able to compute how long we shall be able to exist.  Unfortunately, in resuscitating ourselves we have already consumed a considerable proportion of this first tube.”

“Does it matter?” asked Lord John, who was standing with his hands in his pockets close to the window.  “If we have to go, what is the use of holdin’ on?  You don’t suppose there’s any chance for us?”

Challenger smiled and shook his head.

“Well, then, don’t you think there is more dignity in takin’ the jump and not waitin’ to be pushed in?  If it must be so, I’m for sayin’ our prayers, turnin’ off the gas, and openin’ the window.”

“Why not?” said the lady bravely.  “Surely, George, Lord John is right and it is better so.”

“I most strongly object,” cried Summerlee in a querulous voice.  “When we must die let us by all means die, but to deliberately anticipate death seems to me to be a foolish and unjustifiable action.”

“What does our young friend say to it?” asked Challenger.

“I think we should see it to the end.”

“And I am strongly of the same opinion,” said he.

“Then, George, if you say so, I think so too,” cried the lady.

“Well, well, I’m only puttin’ it as an argument,” said Lord John.  “If you all want to see it through I am with you.  It’s dooced interestin’, and no mistake about that.  I’ve had my share of adventures in my life, and as many thrills as most folk, but I’m endin’ on my top note.”

“Granting the continuity of life,” said Challenger.

“A large assumption!” cried Summerlee.  Challenger stared at him in silent reproof.

“Granting the continuity of life,” said he, in his most didactic manner, “none of us can predicate what opportunities of observation one may have from what we may call the spirit plane to the plane of matter.  It surely must be evident to the most obtuse person” (here he glared a Summerlee) “that it is while we are ourselves material that we are most fitted to watch and form a judgment upon material phenomena.  Therefore it is only by keeping alive for these few extra hours that we can hope to carry on with us to some future existence a clear conception of the most stupendous event that the world, or the universe so far as we know it, has ever encountered.  To me it would seem a deplorable thing that we should in any way curtail by so much as a minute so wonderful an experience.”

“I am strongly of the same opinion,” cried Summerlee.

Project Gutenberg
The Poison Belt from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.