The Poison Belt eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about The Poison Belt.

The Poison Belt eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about The Poison Belt.

“Poison!” I cried.

Then, even as I said the word, my mind flashed back over the whole morning’s experiences, past Lord John with his buffalo, past my own hysterical tears, past the outrageous conduct of Professor Summerlee, to the queer happenings in London, the row in the park, the driving of the chauffeur, the quarrel at the oxygen warehouse.  Everything fitted suddenly into its place.

“Of course,” I cried again.  “It is poison.  We are all poisoned.”

“Exactly,” said Challenger, rubbing his hands, “we are all poisoned.  Our planet has swum into the poison belt of ether, and is now flying deeper into it at the rate of some millions of miles a minute.  Our young friend has expressed the cause of all our troubles and perplexities in a single word, `poison.’”

We looked at each other in amazed silence.  No comment seemed to meet the situation.

“There is a mental inhibition by which such symptoms can be checked and controlled,” said Challenger.  “I cannot expect to find it developed in all of you to the same point which it has reached in me, for I suppose that the strength of our different mental processes bears some proportion to each other.  But no doubt it is appreciable even in our young friend here.  After the little outburst of high spirits which so alarmed my domestic I sat down and reasoned with myself.  I put it to myself that I had never before felt impelled to bite any of my household.  The impulse had then been an abnormal one.  In an instant I perceived the truth.  My pulse upon examination was ten beats above the usual, and my reflexes were increased.  I called upon my higher and saner self, the real G. E. C., seated serene and impregnable behind all mere molecular disturbance.  I summoned him, I say, to watch the foolish mental tricks which the poison would play.  I found that I was indeed the master.  I could recognize and control a disordered mind.  It was a remarkable exhibition of the victory of mind over matter, for it was a victory over that particular form of matter which is most intimately connected with mind.  I might almost say that mind was at fault and that personality controlled it.  Thus, when my wife came downstairs and I was impelled to slip behind the door and alarm her by some wild cry as she entered, I was able to stifle the impulse and to greet her with dignity and restraint.  An overpowering desire to quack like a duck was met and mastered in the same fashion.

“Later, when I descended to order the car and found Austin bending over it absorbed in repairs, I controlled my open hand even after I had lifted it and refrained from giving him an experience which would possibly have caused him to follow in the steps of the housekeeper.  On the contrary, I touched him on the shoulder and ordered the car to be at the door in time to meet your train.  At the present instant I am most forcibly tempted to take Professor Summerlee by that silly old beard of his and to shake his head violently backwards and forwards.  And yet, as you see, I am perfectly restrained.  Let me commend my example to you.”

Project Gutenberg
The Poison Belt from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.