Creative Impulse in Industry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 108 pages of information about Creative Impulse in Industry.

Creative Impulse in Industry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 108 pages of information about Creative Impulse in Industry.

If labor in answer to these appeals gains the confidence that it is competent to carry industrial responsibility, or rather that common labor, together with the trained technicians in mechanics and industrial organization are competent as a producing group to carry the responsibility, one need we may be sure will be eliminated which, has been an irritating and an unproductive element in industrial life; I mean the need the workers have had for the cultivation of class isolation.  As the workers become in the estimation of a community and in their own estimation, responsible members of a society, their more rather than less abortive effort to develop class feeling in America, will disappear.  Under those conditions concerted class action will be confined to the employers of labor and the profiteers, who will be placed in the position of proving their value and their place in the business of wealth creation.  On this I believe we may count, that labor will drop its defensive program for a constructive one, as it comes to appreciate its own creative potentiality.

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Judging from recent events in England, where the government appeals to labor have had longer time to take effect, it seems that new brain tracks in labor psychology have actually been created.  English labor apparently is beginning to take the impassioned appeals of its government seriously and is making ready to assume the responsibility for production.  The resolutions adopted by the Labor Party at its Nottingham Conference in November in 1917 covered organized labor’s usual defense program relating to wage conditions.  The Manifesto which was issued was first of all a political document, written and compiled for campaign purposes.  But the significance of the party’s action is the new interpretation which it is beginning to give industrial democracy.  It is evident where state ownership is contemplated that the old idea that industry would pass under the administrative direction of government officials, is replaced by the growing intention and desire of labor to assume responsibility for administration whether industry is publicly or privately owned.  The Party stands for the “widest possible participation both economic and political ... in industry as well as in government.”  In explanation of the Manifesto, the leader of the Party is quoted in the Manchester Guardian as saying, that when labor now speaks of industrial democracy it no longer means what it did before the war; it does not mean political administration of economic affairs; it means primarily industrial self-government.

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Project Gutenberg
Creative Impulse in Industry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.