Satan eBook

Lewis Sperry Chafer
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about Satan.

Satan eBook

Lewis Sperry Chafer
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about Satan.

There is probably no subject of more universal interest than that of physical health; and but recently “Christian Science” has appeared, which chiefly emphasizes physical health.  While it gathers into itself some elements that are foreign both to Christianity and to Science, and appropriates much from the field of psychology, it assumes to be an infallible interpretation of Scripture, and makes Jesus its highest exponent and teacher.  Yet it positively denies even the reality of sin and the need of Christ’s atoning sacrifice.  Its followers are won and held by these religious claims, and by the actual physical and mental transformations that are secured.  Nothing but ignorance will attempt to deny that, to some extent, its claims are real.  That it has assemblies, ministers, and mysteries deep and profound, and that it is able to demonstrate its claims of physical transformation, does not lift it above the level of Satan’s power.  That it denies even the need of the blood of the Cross, separates it, in spite of its claims, from the God of the Scriptures, and brands it with every characteristic of Satan’s counterfeit.

Another subject, already mentioned, which is of common interest to humanity, is immortality.  How persistently man has sought to see beyond the veil!  And yet how little of fact has been discovered, beyond that which it has pleased God to reveal in His Word!  How strong is the desire of the heart to follow the departed into the great unseen!  And how subtle is “Spiritism” in its election of a phase of the immortality question as its bait to beguile sorrow-crushed souls into a disregard of their only hope in the blood of Christ.

This system has existed from the earliest ages and has the unqualified condemnation of Scripture; yet in the last half-century it has taken new interest and dignity to itself under the modern title of “Psychical Research.”  With boldest assumption it claims to be the only safe exponent of truth, and to be working in the interests of science; changing science being accepted as more trustworthy than revelation.  It offers as final evidence for its assumptions, what are represented to be the statements of deceased people.

Less is made of the Scriptures in this system:  yet here, as might be expected, there is violent opposition to the doctrine of Regeneration.

It cannot possibly be denied that there is an intelligent response to the human appeal from the Unseen; and messages are being received and mysterious acts are being performed with increasing frequency.  It cannot, however, be proven that this response is from the spirit of the person named, for a lying spirit could easily know enough of any person’s life to represent him in every detail.  That the whole system could be of Satan is evident, and since it denies man’s only hope of redemption, it is no part of the real truth of God.  It, too, bears all the marks of the workings of Satan.

Project Gutenberg
Satan from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.