The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 53 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 53 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

Chapter V. relates to Travelling and Communications, with a few cookery receipts of a London tavern, as frying beef-steak in butter; boiling green peas till they burst, and serving them in a wash-hand basin; pickling cucumbers, the size of a man’s foot, with whiskey, and giving them a “bilious, Calcutta-looking complexion, and slobbery, slimy consistence:  but,” says the writer, “how poultry is dressed, so as to deprive it of all taste and flavour, and give it much the appearance of an Egyptian mummy, I am not sufficiently skilled in Transatlantic cookery to determine; unless it be, by first boiling it to rags and then baking it to a chip in an oven.”

Chapter VI. relates to the Soil; in which are the following particulars of Long Point: 

“This country owes its settlement solely to the persevering industry of my worthy and excellent friend, Colonel Talbot.  Forty years ago, while exploring the about-to-be province, on the staff of its governor, General Simcoe, he was struck with the beauty and fertility of this tract; and afterwards observing that, from the improvident grants of the colonial government to friends and favourites, this fertile country, if left in their hands, would continue for ages a howling wilderness, he procured from the authorities at home an exclusive power of settling it.  For this purpose he set himself down in the very midst of the territory, without another human habitation within fifty miles of him, and commenced his arduous undertaking by cutting out roads, amidst much head-shaking from the sage, and sneering from the ignorant.  He however never was a man who held as a part of his creed the wise aphorism, so often quoted in the present day, ‘Vox populi vox Dei;’ but held steadily on in the teeth of opposition, vexation, and disappointment, until after about fifteen years of unremitting labour and privation, it became so notorious in the province, that even the executive government at York became aware that there was such a place in existence as the Talbot settlement, where roads were cut, and farms in progress:—­and hereupon they rejoiced,—­for it held out to them just what they had long felt the want of,—­a well-settled, opened, and cultivated country, wherein to obtain estates for themselves, their children, born and unborn, and their whole kith, kin, and allies.  When this idea, so creditable to the paternal feelings of these worthy gentlemen was intimated to the Colonel, he could not be brought to see the fitness of things in an arrangement which would confer on the next generation, or the next again, the fruits of the labour of the present; and accordingly, though his answer to the proposal was not couched in terms quite so diplomatic as might have been wished, it was brief, soldier-like, and not easily capable of misconstruction;—­it was in these words, ‘I’ll be ——­ if you get one foot of land here;’ and thereupon the parties joined issue.  On this, war was declared against him by his Excellency in Council, and every

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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.