King John. “Ah, me! this tyrant—”
Schenck (with his cheeks distended and his eyes beaming through his spectacles). “Ta-tarty; ta-ta-tarty, rat-tat tarty-tarty-tarty, ta-ta-ta, tanarty-arty, te-tarty.”
King John. “Fever burns—”
Schenck. “Rat-tat-tarty, poopen-arty, oopen-arty, ta-tarty-arty-oopen-arty; ta-ta; ta-ta-ta-tarty poopen-arty, poopen a-a-a-arty-arty.”
King John. “Ah, me! this—”
Schenck (ejecting a hurricane from his lungs). “Hoopen-oopen-oopen-arty, ta-tarty; tat-tat-ta-tarty-ti-ta-tarty; poopen-ta-poopen-ta-poopen-ta-a-a-a-tarty-whoop ta-ta.”
King John (quickly). “Tyrant fever burns me up.”
Schenck (with perspiration standing out on his forehead). “To-ta ta-ta. Ta-ta ta-ta tatten-atten-atten arty te-tarty poopen oopen-oo-oo-oo-oo-oopen te-tarty ta-ta-ar-ar-ar-te tarty-to-ta-a-a-a-a-A-+A+-+_A!_+”
King John (to the audience). “Ladies and gentlemen—”
Schenck. “Ta-ta, ta-ta, ta-ta, poopen-oopen, poopen-oopen, te-ta, tarty oo-hoo oo-hoo-te tarty arty, appen-arty.”
King John. “There is a German idiot behind the scenes here who is—”
Schenck. “Whoopen-arty te-tarty-arty-arty-ta-ta-a-a-a tat-tarty.”
King John. “Blowing infamously upon a horn, and—”
Schenck. “Poopen-arty.”
King John. “If you will excuse me—”
Schenck. “Pen-arty-arty.”
King John. “I will go behind the scenes and check him in his wild career.”
Schenck. “Poopen-arty ta-tarty-arty poopen-a-a-a-arty tat-tat-ta-tarty.”
Then King John disappeared and a scuffle was heard, with some violent expressions in the German language. Ten minutes later a gentleman from the Fatherland might have been seen standing on the pavement in front of the theatre with a bugle under his arm and a handkerchief to his bleeding nose, wondering what on earth was the matter. In the mean time the King had returned to the stage, and the performance concluded without any music. After this the manager will employ home talent when he wants airs on the bugle.