Beneficiary Features of American Trade Unions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 122 pages of information about Beneficiary Features of American Trade Unions.

Beneficiary Features of American Trade Unions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 122 pages of information about Beneficiary Features of American Trade Unions.

[Footnote 223:  Iron Molders’ Constitution, 1902 (Cincinnati, 1902), p. 40; Carpenters’ Constitution, 1905 (Milwaukee, n.d.), p. 19; Painters’ Constitution, 1904 (La Fayette, n.d.), p. 29; Glass Workers’ Constitution, 1903 (n.p., n.d.)5 p. 11; Wood Workers’ Constitution, 1905 (Chicago, n.d.), sec. 137; Metal Workers’ Constitution, 1903 (Joliet, n.d.), sec. 115.]

[Footnote 224:  Proceedings of the Nineteenth Session of the Iron Molders’ Union of North America, 1890, Report of President (Cincinnati, n.d.); Proceedings of the Seventh General Convention of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, 1892, Report of the President (Philadelphia, 1892).]

All claims for disability benefits are filed with the local officers of the disabled members’ union for their examination and approval or rejection.  In case of approval the claims are forwarded to the central office of the national union with all necessary papers concerning its validity.  If the claim is approved, payment is made through the local union to the legal claimants.[225] The majority of the unions paying disability benefits, as a precautionary measure specify the time within which claims for disability must be filed.  The Conductors and the Carpenters require claims to be filed within one year from date of disability,[226] the Firemen and the Switchmen, within six months,[227] and the Trainmen “promptly” after injury;[228] while the Engineers and the Maintenance-of-Way Employees fix no specific time for filing claims.  The Carpenters and the Painters require that notice of a claim for disability must be given to the general secretary-treasurer within sixty days after disability occurs.

[Footnote 225:  Constitution of the Iron Molders’ Union of North America 1902 (Cincinnati, 1902), p. 41; Constitution of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, 1905 (Milwaukee, n.d.), secs. 109-110; Constitution of the Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America, 1906 (La Fayette, n.d.), secs. 84-87.]

[Footnote 226:  Constitution of the Railway Conductors of America, 1903 (Cedar Rapids, n.d.), p. 82; Constitution of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, 1905 (Milwaukee, n.d.), p. 19.]

[Footnote 227:  Constitution of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, 1905 (Indianapolis, n.d.), p. 30; Constitution of the Switchmen’s Union of North America, 1903 (Buffalo, n.d.), p. 20.]

[Footnote 228:  Constitution of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1903 (Cleveland, 1903), p. 35.]

The disability claim must be accompanied, under the rules of practically all the unions, by the sworn certificates of the attending physicians.[229] The Firemen provide that the national officials may, when they consider it necessary, appoint a physician to pass upon the validity of a claim; the Maintenance-of-Way Employees require subordinate lodges to appoint a special committee to report on the nature and cause of the disability.  The Engineers exercise special care in passing upon a claim for loss of sight.  In such cases they require a certificate signed by two experienced oculists; and in case the eyes have not been removed the claim remains on file for one year, when additional certificates from two experienced oculists, certifying to total or permanent blindness, must be furnished.[230]

Project Gutenberg
Beneficiary Features of American Trade Unions from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.