Starr, of the Desert eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 262 pages of information about Starr, of the Desert.

Starr, of the Desert eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 262 pages of information about Starr, of the Desert.

“Going higher, red tape will begin to unroll and entwine the heads of departments, and every man who has any authority whatever will wait for orders from some one higher up.  Therefore, while the whole nation cheers the street parades and the flags and the soldier boys and everything else in sight, the Alliance will be getting under way—­”

“We’ll throw her into high and step on her!” Elfigo contributed, being a motor enthusiast.

“Something like that, yes.  When you consider that the transportation of troops to quell the uprising will require anywhere from three days to three weeks, I am counting red tape and all, you will readily apprehend how much may be accomplished before they are in a position to handle the situation.

“On the other hand, Mexico is filled with fighters.  So much has oppression done for the peon; it has taught him the business of fighting.  Now, I grant you, she is a nation composed of warring factions topped by a lamentably weak provisional government. But with practically every Spanish-American over here actually participating in a movement for Mexico, all those various factions will coalesce, as tiny brooklets flow together to form the mighty torrent.”

“Still, she’s a big country to lick,” Elfigo pointed out, chiefly to see what Holly would say.

“Ah, but Mexico does not comprehend that fact!  And, in the same breath, neither does this country, as a whole, comprehend how big a country is Mexico to lick!  Give a Mexican soldado a handful of beans a day and something to shout Viva for, and he can and will fight indefinitely.  If I mistake not, it will shortly behoove this country to temporize, to make certain concessions.  Whether those concessions extend so far as to cede these three States back to Mexico, I cannot hazard a prediction.  I can see, however, where it is not at all improbable that New Mexico and Arizona may be considered too costly to hold.  Texas,” he smiled, “Texas remembers too vividly her Alamo.  Mexico, if she is wise, does not want Texas.”

“I heard yesterday there’s some talk amongst the Americans about organizing home guards.  We can’t stand another postponement, Holly; it might give them time to pull off something like that.  Little Luis Medina told me he heard a target marker for the San Bonito rifle club say something about it.  He heard the members talking.  You know they’re using government rifles and ammunition.  It would be a hell of a note to put things off till every town had a home guard organized.”

“I can see no necessity for putting things off,” said Holly calmly.  “So far as I can learn, we are practically ready, over here.  Ah!  Here comes our charming neighbor from Sunlight Basin.  Perhaps, Elfigo, it would be as well for you to disappear from the premises.”

“Oh, I want to meet her,” Elfigo smiled easily.  “It’ll be all right; I just came after water for my radiator, anyway.  She’s dry as a bone.  I opened the drain cock and let her drain off and stood a fine chance of freezing my engine too, before I got on past the puddle far enough to be safe!”

Project Gutenberg
Starr, of the Desert from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.