Starr, of the Desert eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 262 pages of information about Starr, of the Desert.

Starr, of the Desert eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 262 pages of information about Starr, of the Desert.

“Dad—­Stevenson!” Helen May was sitting with her arms lying loose in her lap, palms upward.  Her lips had been loose and parted a little with the slackness of blank amazement.  In those first awful minutes she really believed that her father had suddenly lost his mind; that he was joking never occurred to her.  Peter was not gifted with any sense of humor whatsoever, and Helen May knew it as she knew the color of his hair.

“You will no longer be a wage slave, doomed to spend eight hours of every day before a typewriter in that insurance office.  You will be independent—­a property owner who can see that property grow under your thought and labor.  You will see Vic growing up among clean, healthful surroundings.  He will be able to bear much of the burden—­the brunt of the work.  The boy is in a fair way to be ruined if he stays here any longer.  There will be six weeks of grace before the claim can be seized—­ah—­jumped, the young man called it.  In that time you must be located upon the place.  But you should make all possible haste in any case, on account of your health.  Monday morning we will go together with young Calvert and attend to the legal papers, and then I should advise you to devote your time to making preparations—­”

“Dad—­Stevenson!” Helen May’s voice ended in an exasperated, frightened kind of wail.  “I and Vic!  Are you crazy?”

“Not at all.  It is sudden, of course.  But you will find, when you stop to think it over, that many of the wisest things we ever do are done without dawdling,—­suddenly, one may say.  No, Babe, I—­”

“But two hundred dollars just for the rights to the claim!  Dad, look at it calmly!  To build up a ranch takes money.  I don’t know a thing about ranching, and neither do you; but we both know that much.  One has to eat, even on a ranch.  I wouldn’t have my ten a week, remember, and you wouldn’t have your salary, unless you mean to stay here and keep on at the New Era.  And that wouldn’t work, dad.  You know it wouldn’t work.  Your salary would barely keep you, let alone sending money to us.  You can’t expect to keep yourself and furnish us money; and you’ve paid out all you had in the bank.  The thing’s impossible on the face of it!”

“Yes, planning from that basis, it would be impossible.”  Peter’s eyes were wistful.  “I tried to plan that way at first; but I saw it wouldn’t do.  The expense of getting there, even, would be quite an item in itself.  No, it couldn’t be done that way, Babe.”

“Then will you tell me how else it is to be done?” Helen May’s voice was tired and exasperated.  “You say you have paid the two hundred.  That leaves us just the furniture in this flat; and it wouldn’t bring enough to take us to the place, let alone having anything to live on when we got there.  And my wages would stop, and so would yours.  Dad, do you realize what you’ve done?” She tilted her head forward and stared at him intently through her lashes, which was a trick she had.

Project Gutenberg
Starr, of the Desert from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.