NEW ZEALAND ENGLISH ----------- -------
E-ha-ha Fire
E-when-ua Earth, or ground
E-wy Water
E-mu-da Flame of thefire
E-dou-ma-te Summer
E-ho-ho-tou-ke Winter
E-ma-ran-gi North
E-sow-how-oo-doo South
E-ton-ga East
E-te-hu West
E-te-te-do To see
E-don-go To hear
E-do-rni-do-mi To feel
E-hon-gi To smell
E-mei-te To taste
He-te-te-show or
Ye-te-de-how New moon
E-po-po-e-e-nue Full moon
E-de-de-ke Last quarter of the moon
E-ma-ra-ma The moon
E-da Sun
E-pu-ta Sun-rise
E-a-wa-tere Noon
E-a-hi-au, or E-po Sunset
E-wha-tu Star
Ye-rew-a-new-a Rainbow
E-Ma-tan-gee Wind
E-bu-a Rain
E-ue-da Lightning
E-wet-e-te-cla Thunder
Em-ma-ha-ne Hot
Ma-ka-ree-dee Cold
E-ko-how Fog
E-po-ka-ka Dew
E-paw-ha Smoke
E-mo-an-na Salt water or the sea
E-a-o The day
E-po The night
E-co-pec-ce To freeze, or ice
E-wha-tu Snow
In-an-hal Yesterday
N’A-goo-nal To-day
A-po-po To-morrow
A-ta-hy-da Day after to-morrow
A-wa-ka Day following
A-wa-ke-ett ue Four days hence
E-hon-gi The ceremony of joining noses
as a salute
Yen-gang The head
He’-ho-do-ho-do The hair of the head
Eta-din-ga The ear
Etoude-Eta-din-ga Deaf
E-da-ha The Forehead
Ca-no-wei or
E-ca-no-che The eye
E-pu-di E’Ca-no-wei Blind
Pa-pa-reen-gi The cheek
Ec-Eee-shu The nose
E-cou-wye The beard
E-ka-ke The neck
Po-co-fee-fee or
Edinga-ringa The arm
E-dal-ee The breast
He-ooo (lengthened out) The nipple
E-pee-too The navel
Eu-wa The thigh
E-tu-di-po-na or
Ewa-wye The leg
E-mata-ka-ra The fingers
E-coro-E-te Finger-nails
He-i-a-dar-re The skin
Ing-oo-too The lips
E-wa-ha The mouth
In-ni-show The teeth
Ecoro-coro The throat
E-pa-ro The hand
E-co-pu The belly
E-to-to Blood
E-tu-di-po-na Knees
E-da-pa-ra-pa The feet
E-too-o-ra The back