A Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about A Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy.

A Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about A Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy.

March 26th.

Last night was not a period of rest, but of noise for us travellers. 
Not one of us could close his eyes.

Semlin is a place of considerable importance as a commercial town:  above 180 cwt. of goods were unloaded here from our vessel; and in exchange we took on board coals, wood, and wares of various descriptions.  The damaged wheel, too, had to be repaired; and every thing was done with so much crashing and noise, that we almost imagined the whole steamer was coming to pieces.  Added to this, the cold wind drove in continually through the broken pane, and made the place a real purgatory to us.  At length, at six o’clock in the morning, we got afloat once more.  One advantage, however, resulted from this fortuitous stoppage:  we had a very good view of Belgrade, a town of 20,000 inhabitants, situate opposite to Semlin.  It is the first Turkish fortified city in Servia.

The aspect of Belgrade is exceedingly beautiful.  The fortifications extend upwards on a rock from the Danube in the form of steps.  The city itself, with its graceful minarets, lies half a mile farther inland.  Here I saw the first mosques and minarets.  The mosques, as far as I could observe from the steamer, are built in a circular form, not very high, and surmounted by a cupola flanked by one or two minarets, a kind of high round pillar.  The loftiest among these buildings is the palace of Prince Milosch.  From this point our voyage becomes very interesting, presenting a rich and varied succession of delightful landscape-views.  The river is hemmed in on either side by mountains, until it spreads itself forth free and unrestrained, in the neighbourhood of Pancsova, to a breadth of 800 fathoms.

Pancsova, on the left bank of the Danube, in the territory of Banata, is a military station.

As the stoppages are only for a few moments, little opportunity is afforded of seeing the interior of the towns, or of visiting most of the places at which we touch.  At such times all is hurry and confusion; suddenly the bell rings, the planks are withdrawn, and the unlucky stranger who has loitered on board for a few moments is obliged to proceed with us to the next station.

At Neusatz this happened to a servant, in consequence of his carrying his master’s luggage into the cabin instead of merely throwing it down on the deck.  The poor man was conveyed on to Semlin, and had to travel on foot for a day and a half to regain his home.  A very pleasant journey of two hours from Pancsova brought us to the Turkish fortress Semendria, the situation of which is truly beautiful.  The numerous angles of its walls and towers, built in the Moorish style, impart to this place a peculiar charm.  As a rule, the Turkish fortresses are remarkable for picturesque effect.

But the villages, particularly those on the Servian shore, had the same poverty-stricken look I had frequently noticed in Galicia.  Wretched clay huts, thatched with straw, lay scattered around; and far and wide not a tree or a shrub appeared to rejoice the eye of the traveller or of the sojourner in these parts, under the shade of which the poor peasant might recruit his weary frame, while it would conceal from the eye of the traveller, in some degree, the poverty and nakedness of habitations on which no feeling mind can gaze without emotions of pity.

Project Gutenberg
A Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.