The Automobile Girls at Washington eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 206 pages of information about The Automobile Girls at Washington.

The Automobile Girls at Washington eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 206 pages of information about The Automobile Girls at Washington.

A low contralto voice said distinctly:  “What do you mean by stealing in here to search among Mr. Hamlin’s papers?” The vise-like hold on Bab’s arm continued.  The fingers were slender, but strong as steel, and the grip hurt Barbara so, she wanted to cry out from the pain.

“Answer me,” the soft voice repeated.  “What are you doing, prying among Mr. Hamlin’s papers, when he is out of the house?  You know he never allows any one to touch them.”

[Illustration:  Bab Felt Her Arm Seized In a Tight Grip.]

“I am not prying,” cried Bab indignantly.  “I only came in here to look for the city directory.  I thought it might be on Mr. Hamlin’s desk.”

“A likely story,” interrupted Bab’s accuser scornfully.  “If you wished the directory, why did you not ask Mr. Hamlin to lend it to you?  You wanted something else!  What was it?  Tell me?” The hold on Barbara’s arm tightened.

“Let go my arm, Mrs. Wilson,” returned Barbara firmly.  “I am telling you the truth.  How absurd for you to think anything else!  What could I wish in here?  But I needed to look into the directory at once—­for a—­for a special purpose,” Barbara finished lamely.

Then her eyes flashed indignantly.  “I am a guest in Mr. Hamlin’s house,” she said, coldly.  “How do you know, Mrs. Wilson, that I have not received his permission to enter this room?  But you!  Will you be good enough to explain to me why you were hiding behind the curtains in Mr. Hamlin’s study when I came in?  You, too, knew Mr. Hamlin was not at home.  Besides, Harriet receives her guests in the drawing-room, not in here.”

“I came to see Mr. Hamlin on private business,” Mrs. Wilson replied haughtily.  “He is an old and intimate friend of mine, so I took the liberty of coming in here to wait for his return.  But seeing you enter, and suspecting you of mischief, I did conceal myself behind the curtains.  I shall be very glad, however, to remain here with you until Mr. Hamlin returns from his office.  I can readily explain my intrusion and you will have an equal opportunity to tell Mr. Hamlin what you were doing in here.”

Now Barbara, who had slept very little the night before, and had worried dreadfully all morning, did a very foolish thing.  She blushed crimson at Mrs. Wilson’s request.  She might very readily have agreed to stay, and could simply have explained later to Mr. Hamlin that she had come into his private room because she needed to see the directory.  But would Mr. Hamlin have inquired of Barbara her reason for desiring the directory?  This is, of course, what Barbara feared, and it caused her to behave most unwisely.  She trembled and fixed on Mrs. Wilson two pleading brown eyes.

“Please do not ask me to wait here until Mr. Hamlin returns,” she entreated.  “And, if you don’t mind, you will not mention to Mr. Hamlin that I came into his study without asking his permission.  Truly I only wanted to look at the directory, and I will tell Harriet that I have been in here.”

Project Gutenberg
The Automobile Girls at Washington from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.