The Tragedy of the Korosko eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about The Tragedy of the Korosko.

The Tragedy of the Korosko eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about The Tragedy of the Korosko.

As they drew closer they could see plainly that it was indeed the other body of Arabs, and presently the Emir Wad Ibrahim came trotting back to take counsel with the Emir Abderrahman.  They pointed in the direction in which the vedettes had appeared, and shook their heads like men who have many and grave misgivings.  Then the raiders joined into one long, straggling line, and the whole body moved steadily on towards the Southern Cross, which was twinkling just over the skyline in front of them.  Hour after hour the dreadful trot continued, while the fainting ladies clung on convulsively, and Cochrane, worn out but indomitable, encouraged them to hold out, and peered backwards over the desert for the first glad signs of their pursuers.  The blood throbbed in his temples, and he cried that he heard the roll of drums coming out of the darkness.  In his feverish delirium he saw clouds of pursuers at their very heels, and during the long night he was for ever crying glad tidings which ended in disappointment and heartache.  The rise of the sun showed the desert stretching away around them with nothing moving upon its monstrous face except themselves.  With dull eyes and heavy hearts they stared round at that huge and empty expanse.  Their hopes thinned away like the light morning mist upon the horizon.

It was shocking to the ladies to look at their companion, and to think of the spruce, hale old soldier who had been their fellow-passenger from Cairo.  As in the case of Miss Adams, old age seemed to have pounced upon him in one spring.  His hair, which had grizzled hour by hour during his privations, was now of a silvery white.  White stubble, too, had obscured the firm, clean line of his chin and throat.  The veins of his face were injected, and his features were shot with heavy wrinkles.  He rode with his back arched and his chin sunk upon his breast, for the old, time-rotted body was worn out, but in his bright, alert eyes there was always a trace of the gallant tenant who lived in the shattered house.  Delirious, spent, and dying, he preserved his chivalrous, protecting air as he turned to the ladies, shot little scraps of advice and encouragement at them, and peered back continually for the help which never came.

An hour after sunrise the raiders called a halt, and food and water were served out to all.  Then at a more moderate pace they pursued their southern journey, their long, straggling line trailing out over a quarter of a mile of desert.  From their more careless bearing and the way in which they chatted as they rode, it was clear that they thought that they had shaken off their pursuers.  Their direction now was east as well as south, and it was evidently their intention after this long detour to strike the Nile again at some point far above the Egyptian outposts.  Already the character of the scenery was changing, and they were losing the long levels of the pebbly desert, and coming once more upon those fantastic,

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The Tragedy of the Korosko from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.