The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 27 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 27 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

Saline Spa near Norwood, 227. 
Saviour, address to the, 398. 
Scandal-loving letter, 407. 
  Economy, 132—­244
  Literary Dinner, 73
  Sporting, 136—­148. 
  Antiquities, 382—­409—­427
  Heraldry, 404. 
Sea Serpent, the, 212. 
Seals, the, by J.S.  Knowles, 302. 
Sermons, plain, 416. 
Serpents, superstitions respecting, 212. 
Servants, duty of, 271. 
Serventius, confessions of, 44. 
Shakespeariana, 389. 
Shark’s Bay, adventure in, 173. 
Sharp, the astronomer, 293. 
Shaving, origin of, 192. 
Shavings, waste of, 83—­132. 
  eccentricities of, 420
  P.B. at Oxford, 12—­264. 
Sheridan, anecdotes of, 137. 
Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, 252. 
Ships, names of, 288. 
Shrew-mouse, the, 179. 
Shrimps, inquiries on, 20. 
Signs, origin of, 160. 
Silk from Spiders, 412. 
Singapore, sketch of, 35. 
Sismondi, politics of, 420. 
Sisters, four learned, 335. 
Sitting in the Druid’s Chair, 261. 
Skulls, grinning, 101. 
Skylark, claws of the, 245. 
Skylark, a song, 323. 
Slaughter, family, 368. 
Slippery Love, 256. 
Smuggling, extraordinary, 48. 
Snake, habits of the, 342. 
Snowdrop, address to, 132. 
Social distinctions in America, 237. 
Songs of the Gipsies, 232. 
Songs found in a Grecian Urn, 156. 
Song in imitation of Cowley, 419. 
Songs by a Delia Cruscan poet, 323. 
Songs, by T. Moore, 12. 
Song by J.S.  Knowles, 423. 
Song of Pitcairn’s Island, 232. 
Sonnet on Love, 357. 
Sorrow, concealed, 399. 
Soizthey, recollections of, 254. 
Spanish characteristics, 361. 
Spanish scenery, charms of, 307. 
Spanish superstition, 413. 
Squares in London, 133. 
Staines New Bridge, described, 321. 
Starvation, ancient, 384. 
Stones, speaking and moving, 101. 
Sugar Cane of Otaheite, 27. 
Sugar consumed in England, 222. 
Sun-fish, the short, 425. 
Surrey Zoological Gardens, 2. 
Sutton Wash Embankment, 46. 
Swelled Ancles, 160. 
Swift at Moore Park, 422. 
Swimming, Hints on, 3. 
Swine, errors respecting, 171. 
Swiss Cottage at the Colosseum, 258.

Tailors, renowned, 77. 
Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine, 213. 
Talleyrand, anecdote of, 256. 
Tea, facts relative to, 220—­222. 
Tea, price of, 245. 
Theatres, ancient English, 193. 
Theatrical Property in France, 320. 
Thief, how to detect, 272. 
Three Death’s Heads, 431. 
Thrush, habits of the, 265. 
Tigers, sortie of, 345. 
Time’s Telescope for 1832, 71. 
Tinto, the river, 299. 
  in Jersey, 267
  poison of, 426
  superstition respecting, 180. 
Toast of a Scotch Peer, 287. 
  in Cholera, 412
  and snuff, virtues of, 96. 
Tom and Jerry, ancient, 16. 
Tomato Sauce, to make, 15. 
Town and village defined, 175. 

Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.