The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 27 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 27 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

Labourers’ Friend Society, 148. 
Laconics, or Guesses at Truth, 52—­67—­82—­242—­196—­99. 
Lady, lines to, on her age, 370. 
Lady Chapel, Southward, 97—­131. 
Lamp, primitive one, 288. 
Lancashire, improvement of, 326. 
Landers’ Journey to the Niger, 126—­216—­229—­281. 
Lark, lines to, 211. 
Last Dying Speech and Confession of the Immortal Gods, 264. 
Law of Arrest, the, 155. 
Law Institution in Chancery Lane, 33—­53. 
Laws, ancient, 227. 
Leather, manufacture of in Canada, 368. 
Legal Rhymes, 197. 
Lemons, sweet, 383. 
Leopards, hunting with, 347. 
Letter from London, 15. 
Liberty in Rome, 121. 
Library, a queer one, 272. 
Light on the ears of a horse, 425. 
Lions, tame, 32. 
Lizard and Crocodile, 180. 
London, Philosophy of, 133. 
London and the Provinces Compared, 316. 
Love, Court and Country, 372. 
Love of Country, 352. 
Love, French-English, 32. 
Love’s Kerchief, 35. 
Lowther Arcade, the, 210. 
Loyalist, a staunch one, 256. 
Lulworth, a day at, 102. 
Lyall’s Geology, extract from, 57. 
Lynx, errors respecting, 179. 
Lyons, city of, 32.

Macauley, Mrs., 421. 
Madagascar, isle of, 172. 
Magdalenes in church, 320. 
Magic, state of, in Egypt, 248. 
Maid’s First Love, 352. 
Man, agency of in extinguishing and spreading the species, 57. 
Manager, duties of, 287. 
Manchester Botanic Garden at, 129. 
Manna, fall of, 427. 
Manorial Right, curious, 23. 
March of Mind, 178. 
Marlborough, Life of, 359. 
Mariguano, battle of, 122. 
Marketing in America, 237. 
Marriage Tree, 256. 
Martinet, the, 213. 
Martin’s Picture on Glass, 219. 
Martyr Student, the, 120. 
Mary of Cambria, a sonnet, 388. 
Massena’s Tomb in Pere la Chaise, 357. 
Mauritius, the, 172. 
May Day Games, 259. 
Melrose Abbey, history of, 241. 
Men compared with Bees, 285. 
Milan, Panorama of, 392. 
Minstrelsy of Scotland, 352. 
Mirabeau, character of, 422. 
Modern Building, 134. 
Monkey-houses, in the Zoological Gardens, 114. 
Monkey Island, 369. 
Moorhen, the, 266. 
Morning in London, 134. 
Morning, lines to, 99. 
Morrice Dances of Robin Hood, 260. 
Mortality in the Reign of William IV., 208. 
“Mother Carey’s Chickens,” origin of, 306. 
Moving Houses in America, 237. 
Munden, biography of, 105. 
Mungo Park, death of, 229. 
  effect of, 223
  old English, 189. 
Muswell Hill, origin of, 304. 
My Fire, a sketch, 20.

Napier, Hon. Mrs., a sketch, 3. 
  at St. Helena, 403
  ’s residence at St. Helena, 348
  tomb, 374. 
Naples, fruit at, 384. 
Nasmyth, the artist, 139. 
Naturalists’, three enthusiastic, 183. 
Navy, ancient British, 7—­86. 
New South Wales, society in, 318. 
New Zealand, islands in, 7. 

Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.