Galley Slaves, a tale, 299.
Gardens and promenades, 399.
Garratt Election, 415.
Garrick Club, 144.
I. and II. anecdotes of, 277—278
II., humanity of, 400
IV., character of, 123—280.
Gipsey Fortune-teller, lines to, 164.
Glass, enamel paintings on, 219.
Gleanings in Natural History, 245—265.
Glee, a legal one, 251.
Gluttony, royal and noble, 35.
Goats, fabulous account of, 170.
God, supremacy of, 9.
Goldsmith, Oliver, 147.
Good Samaritan, parable of, 410.
Gorhambury, fete at, 304.
Governess, qualifications for, 176.
Greek Sailors, 76.
Greenwich Hospital, 400.
Groaning Tree of Baddesley, 419.
Grouse, rocky mountain, 356.
Gurnard and Sprat, habits of, 311.
Gutting the Fish, 64.
Hail at Lausanne, 342.
Half-hanged Anne Green, 47.
Hainet and Raschid, a tale, 82.
Hamlet, ditty in, 32.
“Happy Jerry,” anecdotes of, 273.
Harlow’s Triul of Queen Katherine, 219.
Haydon’s Pictures, 150—218.
Heating with Hot Water, 411.
Heating Rooms, 152.
Heckington, Holy Sepulchre at, 19.
Hemans, Mrs., sketch of, 358.
Henri III. of France, 154.
Henry I., speech of, 38.
Henry VII., character of England by, 304.
Hindoo Burial Service, 406.
Hip! Hip! Hurra! origin of, 208.
Hogg, James, dinner to, 73.
Hogs in America, 182.
Hoadley and Oldfield’s Paintings on Glass, 219.
Hobbes at Chatsworth, 404.
Hobby-horse, the, 228.
Holly Leaves, medicinal use of, 412.
Holy Land, 228.
Hope, lines on, 34.
Horace Walpole, 421.
Horse Racing, origin of in England, 329—361.
Human Life, fragments on, 115.
Humbug, origin of, 159.
Humming-bird, a song, 323.
Hurley in Berkshire, account of, 419.
Hyaena, fables of, 171.
Hyde Park in America, 399.
Iceland, desolation of, 96.
Inclosure Acts, 252.
Infancy, lines on, 318.
Ink Spots, to remove, 84.
Insects, superstitions respecting, 180—211.
Instinct allied to reason, 246.
Iron Trade, British, 46.
Irish character, traits of, 291.
Isabel of Spain, character of, 415.
Isaiah, lines on, 398.
Climate, 383
Inn, 383
Landscape, 383.
Italian Warfare, character of, 121.
Italy, Horticultural Tour in, 382.
Jackal, errors respecting, 179.
Jardin de Plantes, described, 85.
Jay, remarkable, 298.
Jests of the Ancients, 24.
Justice, laconic, 76.
Kemble, Miss, Tragedy by, 170—185.
Kensington Palace, expenses of, 302.
King John at the Cape, 347.
King of Kippen, the, 303.
Knaresborough Castle, 142.
Knight’s Return, the, 244.